Sermon Series

Experiencing Generosity

What's the Big Idea?

Have you experienced generosity? You have! We have all experienced the generosity of a gracious, loving, amazing God! We have experienced his generosity in creation, in how He provides for us, in how He has saved us and shown us mercy. He is generous with us, even when we don’t think He is. But not only do we get to experience his generosity with the blessings He gives to us… we get to experience his generosity as we show that same generosity to others! We get to experience what it’s like to be generous! All we have belongs to Him in the first place. We get to experience giving generously like God has with us when we show generosity with the things He is allowing us to use and enjoy! Do you want to truly experience generosity? Join us for this series on the love of God.


Series Plan

February 5 | The Generosity of God

There are two things we can focus on: what we have, or what we don’t have. It is going to be a lot more helpful to focus on what we have. That opens our eyes to see the amazing generosity God has shown us! He has been generous to us in his creation, in his providence, in saving us, and in having mercy on us. God is generous with us even when you don’t think He is. Let’s stop focusing on what we don’t have, and give thanks for what we do have! Let’s celebrate the generosity of God!

February 12 | Our Generosity with Gold

Like a parent giving their children money so they can experience buying someone a present, God gives us gifts so we can experience generosity by experiencing being generous. We not only experience generosity from God as recipients. We experience generosity as God allows us to be in on the giving. We become channels through which God pours resources to meet the needs of others. When we give generously, we will never lack anything. The more we give the more we get. Our generosity not only gives God thanks… it honors Him and shows we trust Him. When we give, we truly get so much more of what we wanted in the first place.

February 19 | Our Generosity with Gifts

Not only has God been generous with us by giving us stuff. He has also given us time and talents. He has given us these spiritual “gifts” in order to use them to make a difference in the lives of others. Why? To reflect his light and love in the world around us. We offer our bodies and lives as “living sacrifices” to thank God for his grace and mercy to us! All of our gifts work together for the common good of all. When we are using our gifts generously for each other, the whole community benefits. So let’s use them! Let’s be generous with our gifts! Because He was generous with his gifts to us!

Sermons in this Series


February 19 | Our Generosity with Gifts


February 12 | Our Generosity with Gold


February 5 | The Generosity of God

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