Sermon Series

New Year, New You

What's the Big Idea?

It’s time! Stop, resolve, and pursue that better versions of yourself: gym routines, increased vegetable portions, and greater spiritual disciplines. We want better versions of ourselves because we see the inadequacies in the current. This New Year, discover how Jesus has already made a New You. This successful transformation has nothing to do with your resolve, but with his. Join us as we see how our powerful God has made us new through Christ.


Series Plan

January 1 | You are Redeemed

Everyone’s talking about them and pointing them out: the latest and the greatest products, programs, and apps promise to transform your life in the new year, if you will just commit to them. The message of Jesus isn’t something new. It’s been spoken and reviewed for thousands of years, yet Jesus has the power to make you new. He does so as the lamb of God that John had to point out – the lamb of God who takes away sin. In Jesus, you know that it is your faithful God who has committed himself to make you new. That is the foundation for what we can expect in this series.

January 8 | You are Blessed

When you look ahead to a new year and the new you that you will be, do you hope external things will change? Do you hope that this year will be the one that is different? Do you find yourself saying, “This year will be better than last, and it has got to be better than the one before that. Easier, more fun, more relaxed, more enjoyable.”? What if the change that is needed isn’t external, but internal? Jesus spoke statements of blessing that may shock us at first, but they help us understand how the new perspective of faith allows us to see God’s blessing in every situation.

January 15 | You are Set Free

How can you live a new life that becomes identified as good and joyful by those around you? When you know that a burden of guilt and shame can no longer hang on your shoulders. When you aren’t living to measure up to a perfect standard, but you live in the joyful understanding that that standard has been met for you by Jesus Christ. Then you are free – free to be a light shining that same grace to those around you.

January 22 | You Are Empowered

To change your life for more than one month and for more than one year will require some serious power. The dedication necessary must come from a capable source. In your Baptism, which connects you to Jesus’ own, the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit has been at work to give you a rebirth and to renew you daily. This empowers you to be the new you that God has declared you to be through his miraculous power.

January 29 | | You are Reconciled

This series has focused on you – how you can become a new you in this new year. You don’t live your life in a vacuum though. You have relationships with others – many others. You are interconnected with other people – your spouse, your children, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbor. All those relationships will be affected by what you do and what you don’t do. So, what will the new you do? Thanks be to God that his grace allows us to work through our relationships in repentance and forgiveness, restore and rebuild, and enjoy the blessings of the people God has placed around us.

Sermons in this Series


January 29 | You are Reconciled


January 22 | You Are Empowered


January 15 | You are Set Free


January 8 | You are Blessed


January 1 | You are Redeemed

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