Current Sermon Series


What's the Big Idea?

Welcome to “Taboo,” a bold sermon series delving into today’s toughest cultural issues—authority, politics, identity, transgenderism, anxiety, depression, and sex—through the lens of Scripture. These topics can make us squirm a bit, right? But that’s exactly why we need Jesus to guide us through them, offering clarity, healing, and hope. Together, let’s courageously engage with these challenges, learn from God's Word, and share his truth. Our aim? Bringing the clarity of the gospel to a lost and confused world!

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Service Information

Join us on Sundays at 9:30 am!

On Campus

23857 Ronald Reagan Blvd
Liberty Hill, TX 78642


Join us live from anywhere every Sunday at 9:30 am.

Sermons in this Series


February 2 | Transgender: Letting Jesus Speak into the Tension


January 12 | Authority: Who Gets the Final Say


January 19 | Identity: I Am Not My Own


January 26 | Politics: Loving Across the Aisle


February 9 | Anxiety: Our Heavenly Father Gives Peace

Series Plan

January 12 | Authority: Who Gets the Final Say
Who gets the final say in your life? That question is a matter of authority. In a culture where we are raised to live out our truth, the Bible calls us to the exact opposite. We conform ourselves to the truth of God’s Word. That’s what it means to call Jesus Lord.

January 19 | Identity: I Am Not My Own
As we celebrate Baptism Sunday, we rejoice that our true identity as children of God is a divine gift through baptism, not a self-made achievement. Baptism, empowered by God’s Word, welcomes us into God’s family and grants us a new, unshakeable identity beyond our achievements or status. Unlike our culture that insists on earning worth through personal success, we find our true value at the cross of Jesus. Because God has given us such an identity, we are clothed with Jesus and we have the greatest reason to live.

January 26 | Politics: Loving Across the Aisle
We live in a country of extremes. How many of us have seen online posts that rip apart those with opposing political views? We tend to avoid politics in conversations because we know how fast such a topic can cause anger to flare quickly, even between Christians. But what would it look like if we loved across the aisle? What if our focus was less about proving our political points and more about proclaiming the Savior who faced the ultimate injustice so he could make us citizens of his kingdom? This week, we explore how God's grace is the answer in our culture of divisive partisanship.

February 2 | Transgender: Letting Jesus Speak into the Tension
How do Christians participate in the transgender conversation? How does God want Christians to feel about the topic, and more importantly, the people? Too often, the topic of transgender makes us think about ideologies, progressive societal trends, and angry debates. But what about people? How can we help people who struggle with transgender feelings? How does the gospel apply to this issue? God’s Word will be our guide as we see how God gives us hope amidst the brokenness of our bodies and minds.

February 9 | Anxiety: Our Heavenly Father Gives Peace
Anxiety is prevalent in so many people today. Worrisome thoughts fill our minds and it leads to a bodily response. As Christians, God’s Word tells us again and again not to be anxious and not to worry. Why? Because we have a God who is in control. More than that, we get to call this God Father. Just like a loving father protects, provides, and loves his children, our Heavenly Father protects, provides, and loves us more than we could ever know.

February 16 | Depression: God's Word Gives Lasting Hope
Depression feels so overwhelming. Many times, there’s the feeling of having no hope. Here, we see the psalmist feel despair, his soul thirsting for the Lord. But then he talks to himself. Why am I so down? Even in this desperate situation, he is my Savior and my God.  If only that was the silver bullet. However, depression can be like a yo-yo; wrestling match in the mind. One minute we know our hope is in God. The next moment, we are back to despairing. Keeping God’s Word in our mind, thinking about the hope we have, meditating on his promises, and the hope we have in him.

February 23 | Sex: God's Amazing Design
We’re going to talk about sex! But it’s not going to be a shameful, embarrassing conversation. God loves sex. He created it and designed it for our enjoyment. He loves it when we enjoy sex the way he designed it. But good sex takes work. It’s not quite as movies and TV and porn represent it. Sex is a beautiful gift from God that can bring amazing blessings, but its power can also bring harm and pain when misused. Let’s learn about God’s beautiful gift of sex!