September 13: The Parable of the Two Sons

He’s a screw-up so famous he even gets a nickname—“The Prodigal Son.” But the story Jesus told in Luke chapter 15 wasn’t just about the prodigal. It turns out he’s got an older brother. And although he thought of himself as the good son, this older brother was every bit as lost as his younger brother. It’s a good thing Jesus gives us a close-up of the loving heart of the father who wants both sons to come into the party and celebrate with him. So how about you? Maybe you’ve tried hard to be good all your life or maybe you’ve screwed up life big time and you know it. In either case, might this be the day you come home to your Father who loves you with a matchless kind of love? Could it be that even life-long church-goers still have a thing or two to learn about God and His amazing grace?

Luke 15:11-32