Act II Starts Sunday!

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to my weekly email where I want to share what’s coming up on Sunday, stories about how God is at work doing amazing things in people’s lives, and opportunities for you to worship, connect and serve here at Divine Savior Church!

This Sunday of course is the Super Bowl of Sundays in our Christian church year. It’s Easter! It’s the day Jesus proved he won the decisive victory over death itself! And interestingly this year, Easter is on April 1 which as you may know is… April Fool’s Day. Maybe your mind starts racing over Bible verses that you know like this one: The fool says in his heart, “There is no god” (Psalm 14:1).

Well I promise you that it’s not foolish for you to come to church this Sunday. I’m excited for you to join me as we get to peer into the empty tomb of Jesus and recall what he meant when he said “It is finished!” You won’t go home feeling like a fool because our faith rests on the firm facts of Christ’s completed work. And the Holy Spirit is going to be active refueling and fortifying your faith!

That’s why the series we’re starting this Sunday is called Act II – The Rest of Your Story. Because when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter, his resurrection ripped back the curtain so to speak and gave us joy, hope, peace, forgiveness and life with God. Jesus’ resurrection shows us that there is an Act II!

So, if you are living in a “Good Friday” world, thinking your story is over, your life will never change, and feeling like you’ll never be good enough for God, you need to know… Easter is your Act II, too! The rest of your story…is just beginning.

So join me this Sunday as we worship here at Divine Savior Church at 9:30 AM for our English service or for our Spanish service at 11:30 AM.

Thanks for the Welcome! Just a big THANK YOU from my whole family for your warm welcome at my installation service and special celebration dinner along with a big THANK YOU for your generosity with all the great beach gear, Divine Savior Church apparel, and gift cards (They’ve come in huge because our refrigerator decided to stop working this week). You’ve made my family and I feel welcome here and that means A LOT. We look forward to serving here with and alongside you.

Maundy Thursday: We will worship together tonight at 7:00 PM in a bilingual communion service.

Good Friday: Our bilingual evening service will be at 7:00 PM tomorrow on Friday, March 30.

Easter Egg Hunt + Brunch: After our special worship celebration at 9:30 AM, kids ages 0-5th grade are invited to join us for an egg hunt in our campus park/playground. We will follow that with a brunch for everyone in the high school commons area! All are welcome!

Marriage Ministry Book Club: All engaged/married couples are invited to join us for a 4 week book club beginning, Thursday, April 12th 6:30-8pm. Register NOW to receive your book BEFORE the 1st session! Study how the Lord can help strengthen the beautiful relationship of your marriage! Childcare provided. For more details and registration: click EVENTS. Sarah and I will be leading the English group discussion. We hope you can join us.

Hack Your Church! Ok, just kidding…sort of. Have you ever heard the term “life hack”? A life hack is a creative way of quickly make life easier or better—like a technique, or a tip, or a little trick (Google “life hacks” for examples). Well I’d invite you to share little “church hacks” with me and each week I’ll share one with you. For example, this week with Easter I want to “hack” our connection card process. Sunday we’re going to make sure there is a connection card in every bulletin so that I can ask everyone who attends to fill one out. That way we don’t ask a first time guest to do anything we don’t ask all our members to do. Hopefully then we will be able to receive contact information to follow up on people so we can help them get connected to Jesus and our church. Make sense? Thanks for sharing your “church hacks” so we can share Jesus with more people!

Sharing Christ’s Victory,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex