The Rest of Your Story

Dear Church Family,

What are you going to do with Easter? As Christians, we believe that Easter Sunday is the single most important day in history. Without it there would be no reason for our faith. But Jesus is alive! Our God is not dead! And that means we don’t just celebrate Easter as a past event. We also celebrate Easter as an event that has ongoing and far reaching implications for how we live.

That’s why over the next couple weeks at church we’ll be continuing the Easter season worship series that we started this past Sunday called Act II – The Rest of Your Story. We’ll see what it means to live in light of Easter—in light of the joy, hope, peace, forgiveness, and life we now have with God! So join me this Sunday as we worship here at Divine Savior Church at 9:30 AM for our English service or for our Spanish service at 11:30 AM.

Holy Week Recap: What a full and wonderful week my first Holy Week was here at Divine Savior! I was privileged to lead the Early Childhood Education service on Good Friday morning (all the little kids!), give the closing devotion at Easter for Kids on Saturday morning, and then preach and lead worship on Easter. One of my key takeaways from the week is that I’ve got great ministry teammates around here and for that I’m thankful to God!

Butterfly Release: Last Saturday morning our Journey youth group led an Easter For Kids event for 100 kids in our community. At the end the kids and their families all went out to the playground to watch as they released live butterflies into the air. It was so cool! Watch the video I captured here. (And while you’re at it…be sure to follow our church Facebook page!) I was delighted to hear that many families who attended Easter For Kids also returned for Easter Sunday worship the next day.

Marriage Ministry Book Club: All engaged/married couples are invited to join us for a 4 week book club beginning, Thursday, April 12th 6:30-8pm. Register NOW to receive your book BEFORE the 1st session! Study how the Lord can help strengthen the beautiful relationship of your marriage! Childcare provided. For more details and registration: click EVENTS. Sarah and I will be leading the English group discussion. We hope you can join us.

Visual Worship – Do you have an eye for design, attention for detail and a passion for creatively using visuals to communicate God’s Word? I’m looking to create a “screen team” of people willing to take turns building the slides we use for worship in the English service each week (Currently we use PowerPoint. In the future we’ll be looking to move to ProPresenter). This is a job that takes approximately 4-6 hours a week. It would involve receiving a script of the service from me, utilizing online resources like, and communicating with the music coordinator regarding the order of song lyrics (ideally attending rehearsal when the band practices). If you’re interested or have questions please reach out to me and let me know. Thanks!

Church Hack – If you’re on social media, there are a couple great ways you can use it to the glory of God. One way is simply by “checking in” to church. This lets your friends know where they can also come and find a supportive community. Afterwards consider sharing a key takeaway from the message or something you’re excited about coming up.

Sharing Christ’s Victory,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex