The Church Is Our Forever Family

Dear Church Family,

The first-century church faced significant challenges to its unity. And too often, the modern church does as well. Because the devil rages at the gospel’s progress, the church of every age is always threatened by divisions—whether race, culture, income, gender, age, language, traditions, preferences, egos, etc.

This Sunday, however we’re going to see how God’s powerful words and a poignant visual aid opened Peter’s mind to the bigness and beauty of God’s Church. Could God bring rich and poor, male and female, brown, black, white and everything in between, young and old into one community of faith today—a true family of people from all kinds of different backgrounds? It is our prayer that God would do today what he has been doing from the beginning. After all, what an amazing experience this will be in heaven when we are united in the uninhibited worship of our common Savior, Jesus Christ…

9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9-10)

So I hope you can join me for worship this Sunday as we conclude our series Act II – The Rest of Your Story at 9:30 AM for our English service, or for our Spanish service at 11:30 AM. All are welcome as we gather around the theme: United.

Communion Set-up Team – Currently we have Communion the last Sunday of every month. Would you be willing to serve on a small team of people taking turns helping prepare the communion ware and setting up the altar for communion? This would enable me to be outside greeting people before the service. If you’d be willing to help on a Communion Set-up Team please send me a quick email. Thanks!

Worship Arts Center Update (From Pastor Carl) – As we said in last week’s update concerning the building of the Worship/Arts Center, “we’re on our way, but we’re not there yet.”  There are a number of variables involved.  Some of these variables are directly in the hands of the congregation.  Others depend on the school.

The loan will be in the name of the school.  (The church will simply reimburse the school for their half.)  The willingness (and advisability) of the bank giving the loan depends on three school things:

  • The school reaches its target enrollment for 2018/19 projected to be 995 students.
  • The new school in Delray reaches a “manageable” enrollment.
  • The bank does not increase the rate on our existing tax-exempt bond.

These are issues that will not be known until the middle of August.  Let’s pray that we receive favorable answers to these three variables.

The other variable that is directly related to our congregation is whether we will meet our goal of initial, average offerings of $9,200 per week.

  • The average weekly offering in March was $8,351.  In April it was $8,366.  We’re 91% of the way there.
  • There are 25 “communicant member units” in the congregation where there is no recorded record of any giving.
  • There are still 12 people who have not seen the presentation and 15 who have seen the presentation and not returned a commitment form.
  • The difference from what was pledged (through returned commitment forms) and what is being received is approximately $400

What is obvious is that we have the potential to reach the initial goal of $9,200 and to surpass it.  We have until the end of August to show it.  At our congregational meeting on Sunday, May 20th, this will be one of the main items presented to the congregation.  This will be the congregation’s opportunity to express their interest in building our W/AC.  In the meantime, we will continue to work on the W/AC plans to ensure the best use of space and Pastor Carl will continue to make visitations.  Blessings.

DSA Chapel – This week I got to lead chapel for the Middle School and High School students of Divine Savior Academy. What an amazing opportunity this is as a pastor to get to share Jesus with so many young people! This is just one of many things during the week that makes serving here at Divine Savior uniquely and wonderfully special.

Sunday Playlist – Check out the YouTube videos, sing along ahead of time, and help fill God’s house with praise on Sunday. Gathering Song: More Than Conquerors. Forgiveness Song: Mighty to Save. Hymn of the Day: In Christ Alone. Creed Song: This I Believe. Sending Song: Reckless Love.

Mother’s Day Photo Booth – Get a special photo with Mom or get a photo to share with Mom! On May 13th we will have a photo booth set up in the commons fellowship area for everyone to get a FREE printed photo strip and a digital picture to share.

Your Time of Grace – If you’re looking for a place to connect with God each day, these daily videos from our friends at Your Time of Grace are a great place to start! You’ll find that they encourage you and help you find guidance for each day from God’s Word.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex