Love God. Love People. On Purpose

Dear Church Family,

God made you on purpose. He also made you with a purpose! We were created to love God and to love the people God loves. But when it comes to doing what we were created to do—love God and others, so much of it we cannot do. Our life of faith—loving, serving, forgiving people, demonstrating selfless “you first” leadership, doing all this with a pure heart out of love for God alone…this is the work of Holy Spirit. This is the miracle that he performs in us as he works powerfully through the gospel!

Please join me this Sunday as we explore the depth of Jesus’ words “Love your neighbor.” Disclaimer: This message has the potential to give you a sense of purpose that impacts every area of your life, for the rest of your life! Worship is at 9:30 AM for our English service, or for our Spanish service at 11:30 AM. All are welcome.

Come, Holy Spirit, renew our hearts and kindle in us true love for our neighbor!

Congregational Meeting – After worship this Sunday, May 20th you are invited to remain in the auditorium for a congregational meeting to hear more about the status of our plans for building the Worship Arts Center. There will be a presentation and an opportunity to ask questions. The service will be slightly shortened this Sunday to help accommodate the meeting.

Church Office Administrator – Now through the end of May we are accepting applications with the goal of hiring a part-time church office administrator. The position will start at 15 hours a week with the ability to work some of the hours from home. We hope to begin interviewing for the position in early June.

We’re looking for a process oriented person with strong people skills to implement Church Community Builder (CCB) and to support the ministry effectiveness of our pastors and staff minister by handling administrative tasks. The ideal candidate for this position is bilingual, coachable, organized, and proficient using technology. For more information please see the position description. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please send your resume to Staff Minister Becky and the interview team will get back to you.

Mother’s Day Shout-Out: What a beautiful reception we were able to have after church last Sunday in the commons area! Thank you to everyone who helped decorate, bring refreshments, provide flowers, set-up / clean-up and create such a wonderful environment where we could spend time together and welcome people who were attending our church for the first time. Also, thanks to Becky for finding a way for us to have a photo booth! I really enjoyed seeing people post their pictures on social media.

Sunday Playlist – This Sunday is the festival of Pentecost which celebrates the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So we’ll be singing a few songs about that too. Check out the YouTube videos, sing along ahead of time, and help fill God’s house with praise on Sunday. Gathering Song: Come Alive. Hymn of the Day: Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God. Sending Song: To Live Is Christ.

Your Time of Grace – If you’re looking for a place to connect with God each day, these daily videos from our friends at Your Time of Grace are a great place to start! You’ll find that they encourage you and help you find guidance for each day from God’s Word.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex