Does Forgiveness Mean Forgetting?

Dear Church Family,

In our world sometimes we might get the idea that forgiveness is pretending nothing happened—a head-in-the-sand posture that ignores the obvious. Some of us might be led to think of it sometimes as a never-ending series of second chances. Others view it as a fresh start with all the consequences and old baggage removed. Still others imagine it as the immediate and full restoration of a broken relationship, complete with the same level of trust and privileges that preceded the wrongdoing. But the goofiest idea of all is the widely held belief that genuine forgiveness means literally forgetting what happened. But there’s a problem with all these concepts. It’s not how God forgives.

Puzzled? Join me this Sunday as we continue our series called Dumb Things Smart Christians believe. Remember, the idea is that we’re smart! …but sometimes we can be led to believe some myths that can actually harm our faith. So we want to turn to the Bible together to let God sort things out for us.

Worship in English is at 9:30 AM. Spanish is at 11:30 AM. All are invited! This Sunday we’ll explore the popular notion that “Forgiveness Means Forgetting.”

And in case you missed it… watch last Sunday’s message on our YouTube channel, part one of our new series. Check it out here! The whole service is still posted so you’ll have to scroll to the sermon right before the 18 min mark. In the future we will be trimming the archived service to include just the sermon.

Sermon Series Retreat – Just got back from spending two days with other pastors from Divine Savior Church—from here in Doral, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, and Santa Rita Ranch in Texas. We had a great time getting to know each other, planning sermon series details for the next year, collaborating on connect group materials etc, discussing Scripture, praying, enjoying some yummy meals, and laughing together. Most of our wives were also able to attend with us which was great for them to talk life and ministry too. What a blessing that we can all work together and encourage each other for the benefit of the Kingdom! Thanks for keeping our partnership in your prayers. It is a blessing to be together and to get to work together with shared core values.

Office Manager Position Filled – We wanted to communicate that through the blessings of the Lord, DSC has added a new position to our team – an Office Administrator. We interviewed 7 highly gifted women for this position in the past few weeks.

Alejandra Torres will begin working August 1st. You will see her periodically on campus during the week and she will share an office with Staff Minister Becky. For now this position will be part time, and God-willing, in the future we can make it full time.

Some of you may already know Alejandra. She and her family have been members and great blessings to our church for several years. Currently, she serves as a Sunday school teacher for our Spanish service and part of the Marriage Ministry Team. She and her husband, Alex, have 2 daughters at DSA. Natalie will be in 6th grade and Valerie will be in 2nd grade.

Please give her a warm welcome to our campus family when you see her!

Things Moving and Shaking It was a busy week this past week! In addition to our sermon series planning retreat, our church staff spent a day with the new teachers and staff for DSA. I taught a Bible study on our church’s core values. Staff Minister Becky facilitated a great discussion on cross-cultural ministry principles. Pastor Steve gave them an overview of our church’s ministry. After lunch Pastor Carl and Ron Hansen gave them the presentation for our Building His House campaign for the Worship Arts Center.

School Council Nominations – The new school council will convene in August. Three lay members are needed to help comprise the council. If you would like to make a nomination, please send those recommendations to Mr. Eduardo Oyarce via email. Nominations will be accepted through July 29.

Old Auditorium Chairs Good news! We don’t need any help dismantling them tomorrow morning anymore because we found someone who is happy to take them off our hands and restore them so another church group can use them.

Sunday Playlist – Check out the YouTube videos, sing along ahead of time, and help fill God’s house with praise on Sunday. Gathering Song: Lead Me To the Cross. Forgiveness Song: His Mercy Is More. Hymn of the Day: What A Friend We Have in Jesus. Sending Song: Reckless Love.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben




Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex