Proverbs and Promises

Dear Church Family,

Soundbites. The media keeps serving them up. People keep eating them up. But I think we can all agree that sometimes (maybe even most of the time!) soundbites don’t tell the whole story, do they?

This Sunday we’ll be looking at another spiritual soundbite of sorts to see whether it’s true and helpful for our faith or whether or it’s actually false and harmful to our faith. The soundbite sounds like this: “A godly home guarantees godly kids.” This certainly sounds good, doesn’t it? But what we’re going to see is that it’s actually a myth that has no basis in the Bible or in real life experience.

The phrase is based primarily on the Proverb, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). The problem is, this is a proverb and not a promise from God. It’s an observation that is generally, but not always true. Those who take it as a promise become especially vulnerable to two things that are never part of God’s plan: unwarranted guilt or foolish pride.

Join me this Sunday as we find out how to avoid both those errors. We’ll talk about the nature of proverbs, how to be good parents, and how we can stay in the path of God’s promises.

Worship in English is at 9:30 AM. Spanish is at 11:30 AM. All are invited!

ICYMI – Watch or share last Sunday’s message here on our YouTube channel based on the myth “Forgiveness Means Forgetting,” part two of our series Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe.

This Week Monday morning I was privileged to lead a Bible study for the entire DSA faculty that I put together called “Facing a Task Unfinished” based on applying leadership principles from the Bible book of Nehemiah. Getting to encourage, equip, and care for a room of Christian leaders is an awesome and humbling privilege! I’ve also been involved in meetings to plan for teaching confirmation class in the academy grades 7 and 8 this coming year. I’ve also been helping to formulate spiritual life surveys for all DSA students so that as a church we can track who hasn’t been baptized, who doesn’t have a church home, things like that. Our goal is to help change more lives with Jesus by connecting families to the life of our church in addition to our school.

School Council NominationsThe new school council will convene in August. Three lay members are needed to help comprise the council. If you would like to make a nomination, please send those recommendations to Mr. Eduardo Oyarce via email. Nominations will be accepted through July 29.

Academia Cristois a pioneering web based ministry of the WELS Latin America mission team. They use technology and social media to teach God’s Word in order to identify and train leaders who will help multiply disciples of Jesus. As one example, their Facebook page is followed by almost 1.1 million people! Some special news to share with you is that Missionary Mike Hartmann and his family are moving to Doral from Mexico this week. Pastor Hartmann will be overseeing Academia Cristo from their new home base here in Doral. This will also create some exciting opportunities for our church to partner with Academia Cristo. This week please keep the Hartmann family in your prayers as they move. We’ll get a chance soon to meet and welcome the Hartmanns into our Divine Savior Church and Academy family. For a little taste of what this ministry is all about, you can watch this English language video that missionary Mike Hartmann made a month ago.

Bulletins Just so you know, we will begin using bulletins again soon. We’re in the process of redesigning and reordering them.

Coming Up…

Installation Sunday of all new teachers called to serve on August 12th

Pastor Carl’s Retirement Celebration September 9th. Find out more info by visiting our event page on our website. To RSVP for the reception and dinner at 4:30 please use this link. Seating is limited so please reserve your spot sooner than later.

Get to Know Us Sunday – September 16th. Special potluck welcome reception for ALL NEW Divine Savior Doral campus employees (hired or called) in the high school commons. Stay tuned for more info.

This Sunday’s Playlist – Check out the YouTube videos, sing along ahead of time, and help fill God’s house with praise on Sunday. Gathering Song: Living Hope. Forgiveness Song: I Will Boast. Hymn of the Day: Oh Blest the House Whate’er Befall. Communion Distribution Songs: We Remember You. Take and Eat. Sending Song: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex