Making Decisions With Confidence

Dear Church Family,

A couple months ago I made a life changing decision that impacted me, my family, and hundreds of other dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I decided that I would accept the divine call to serve as a pastor here at Divine Savior which meant uprooting my family, moving across the country, and pulling away from a place and people we deeply loved.

How was I able to make that kind of major decision? Wasn’t I afraid that I would make a mistake? What would happen if I messed up God’s plan for my life? How did I know if I was following God’s will or not?

Friends, have you ever found yourself wrestling with those kinds of questions? I’m guessing you have too. Many Christians have been led to believe that God has a highly detailed blueprint for their life that includes a specific, preordained job, career, house, spouse, car—and everything in between. This idea causes many people to be filled with anxiety trying to figure out what God’s specific, hidden will for them is. Some get so caught up in it that they can hardly make any decision because they are paralyzed with fear that they will make the wrong decision.

But the good news is, when it comes to God’s will, you often can’t go wrong! The belief that God has a detailed, preordained blueprint for our lives is a misleading myth. This belief confuses God’s omniscience (He knows everything) with his will. There’s no question, God knows everything, but that doesn’t mean he has predetermined our lives in detail.

Join me this Sunday as we gather for worship and discover more about how wonderfully freeing the truth of God’s Word is. Pastor Carl will serve as our guest preacher who will help us learn how to make confident decisions in life trusting God to bless them. Worship in English is at 9:30 AM. Spanish is at 11:30 AM. All are invited!

Camp South – Hundreds of kids from all over the Southeast part of our country gathered in Georgia this summer including many from Divine Savior. Watch this recap video to get a glimpse of how much fun they had while also having opportunities to hear the gospel and grow in their faith!

My Computer – is running smoothly again thanks to the helpful IT expertise of Caleb Troge. God willing that means there should be no issues connecting to the projectors this Sunday! Thanks for your patience last week as we worked that out.

Student Teacher Housing – We have MLC student teachers coming from October 15 until December 21. Please contact Ryan Loberger if you would be willing to host one (or more) of the student teachers during this time.

Last Sunday’s Sermon Video unfortunately didn’t get completely recorded. I will try and re-preach it in front of my computer and upload it to our YouTube channel in case you missed it and wanted to share it a resource for someone else.

Did You Know? Each week I try and share a short Saturday preview video on our Facebook page. If you’re on social media, be sure to “like” our page. Share with friends. And if you have time, please consider writing a positive review so others from our community can hear from YOU why they should consider coming to our church. #BecauseOfJesus

Connect Groups This is foreshadowing…an October re-launch. Stay tuned.

Things Coming Up…

Installation Sunday – of all new teachers called to serve on August 12th

Pastor Carl’s Retirement Celebration – September 9th. Find out more info by visiting our event page on our website. To RSVP for the reception and dinner at 4:30 PM please use this link. Seating is limited so please reserve your spot sooner than later.

Get to Know Us Sunday – September 16th. Special potluck welcome reception for ALL NEW Divine Savior Doral campus employees (hired or called) in the high school commons. Stay tuned for more info.

This Sunday’s Playlist – Check out the YouTube videos, sing along ahead of time, and help fill God’s house with praise on Sunday. Gathering Song: Once Again. Forgiveness Song: Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways. Hymn of the Day: O God, Your Hand the Heavens Made. Sending Song: Because He Lives (Amen).

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex