Take It Seriously

Dear Church Family,

We take God’s truth seriously. That’s the core value that we will gather around this Sunday. It’s not meant to be a boast. It’s simply meant to be a reflection of what our God says he wants for his people over and over in his word—the Bible.

But maybe you’re wondering, do we really need to have a core value for that? Isn’t that a given? Doesn’t every church say they take God’s truth seriously? Well, yes and no. The sad reality is that even if some churches say it, they don’t all live by it. That’s a reality even for many churches that choose to go by the name “Lutheran.”

Yet as we’re going to see from the Bible this Sunday, this isn’t really new news. The Christian church in every era has to reclaim the truth for itself in order to live by it. So join me for worship this Sunday at 9:30 AM as we take another look at what’s under the hood of our church. We’ll see that some of our own struggles aren’t that different from the 1st century Christian church. We’ll also learn from one 1st century church in particular that succeeded in taking God’s truth seriously.

DSYouth Harvest Festival Date: Friday, October 26. Time: 6-8:30 PM. Agenda: Pumpkin Carving, Games, and Fall Fun. Who: Any youth in middle school or high school. What to bring: Yourself, a pumpkin, and even a friend!

Saturday Evening Church Set-Up Team. Help transform our school cafeteria into our Sunday morning house of worship. 6 people working hard can set up the entire room in about 30 minutes. My goal is to have 4 teams of 6 people each that could rotate on a weekly basis. 15 people have already expressed a willingness to help. Could you join them? Kids are welcome to help out too. Some work needs muscles. Other tasks like stuffing connections cards just take a little time. There’s something for everyone. Please let me know if you are willing to serve in this way and I will send out a schedule soon.

Starting Point Class – Who Wants In? Due to people traveling, our English class will be actually starting this Tuesday 7:00-8:30 PM.Childcare is available as needed. Please let me know if you can come. I would love to have you join us!

Baptism Class / Baptism Sunday – Find out what the Bible teaches about Baptism! Come to one of our information classes on Nov 1st 7pm or Nov. 11th following each worship service. Childcare provided as needed. Register for the class online here. Pick up an invite card from the info table and share it with a friend! We will celebrate Baptism Sunday in a bilingual service on Sunday, Nov. 18th with food, fellowship, & fun to follow.

Date Night – Saturday, Nov. 10th. 6pm. Join us for an evening of fun and opportunity to connect with your spouse and other couples! Our DSC Marriage Ministry Team is hosting a Dinner and a Movie Date Night. See all the details and make your reservations. Please register as soon as possible. Deadline is Nov. 7th.

Christian Aid and Relief – Panama City. Volunteers are needed to help gut homes (muck), chainsaw trees, and refurbish homes. If you would like to help us in this recovery effort in Panama City, Florida, please do two things. Register as a volunteer on the WELS Christian Aid and Relief website (volunteer form). Then, contact Pastor Rich Warnecke. Send him your name and cell number and he will dream with you about your involvement for a weekend or for a week or more.

Women’s Ministry: Advent by Candlelight – Monday, December 3rd 7pm in the middle school gym. Meditate on the true meaning of the upcoming Christmas season as you gather together with other women and enjoy this uplifting and renewing event. More information on how you can be personally involved to support this part of our ministry will be coming via email soon!

Online Giving – If you haven’t already set up electronic giving via ACH, we now have another way to give online through BluePay whether via credit card or checking. One-time or recurring gifts can be set up. Simply visit our website and then click on “Give” in the upper right hand corner. Thanks for giving regularly to help us as we plan and carry out our mission of changing lives with Jesus!

Student Teachers – As you have the opportunity this Sunday, please welcome our student teachers from Martin Luther College who are serving with us here in Doral for the next couple weeks. Their names are Karis Gast, Hannah Paustian, Elizabeth Broring, and Maggie Schmudlach. We pray God’s blessings on their experience here as part of our Divine Savior family!

Coming Up:

Jingle & Mingle – DSC family Christmas Party 6pm Sat., Dec. 15th

Christmas for Kids – DSYouth hosts a special Christmas activity for all children 3years – 5th grade as part of our DSKids program. Sat., Dec. 22nd.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for loving the people Jesus loves and creating an enjoyable environment where our church family can gather after worship! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

October 28.       Londono.  J Leyrer.    Marshall
November 4.     Schmitz.   Hoppe
November 11.   Sullivan.  Kirchoff.  M. Fernandez
November 18.   Baptism Sunday
November 25.   Landwehr.  Calil
December 2.     Birkenstock.  HELP NEEDED
December 9.     Biesterfeld.   HELP NEEDED
December 16.   Herrera.   Befeler
December 23.   Kaufmann.   Sievert
December 30.   Meihak.    HELP NEEDED

Next All Pro Dad’s Day—November 15th. Register online. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade.

Sunday Playlist. Gathering song: Cornerstone. Forgiveness song: Speak, O Lord. Sermon song: A Mighty Fortress. Communion Distribution songs: We Remember. My Victory. Sending song: God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben





Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex