More Blessed

Dear Church Family,

“You’re far happier giving than getting.” Do you believe that?

A man named Paul was so convinced of this that it was the last thing he said to a group of his friends that he knew he would never see again.

This Sunday we’re going to discover a saying of Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

After all, our God is the most generous Giver! That’s why this Sunday we’ll also be celebrating a special Baptism Sunday where over 15 people will be receiving the incredible blessings that God gives through Baptism—the forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death and the devil, and a brand new life as children of God adopted into His family.

We’d love to have you join us at 10:30 am in the high school gym for this special bilingual service. Let’s celebrate God’s amazing grace together and encourage those who are receiving God’s gifts through holy Baptism! All are welcome.

ICYMI – Watch my message from last Sunday: We seek to become more and more like Jesus

Baptism “Thanksgiving” Meal – Immediately following our special service this Sunday we will celebrate our thanks to God with a lunch and time to connect with one another as a family.  We want to welcome any new visitors and celebrate with any who are newly baptized. Our Fellowship Team has some fun activities planned as well! Please click here for more details and to sign up to bring food so we can have a “Thanksgiving” Meal with plenty to share.

DSC ApparelGet your Divine Savior Church gear! Help us promote our church name in our community by wearing the DSC logo! Here is the website to order from. Access Code: DSCHURCH (Case sensitive, ALL CAPS.)

DSYouth – Friday, Nov 16th 6:00-8:30 pm. All middle and high school age students invited. Meet in high school commons. Questions? Contact Dr. Erik Landwehr.

Women’s Ministry: Advent by Candlelight – Monday, December 3rd at 7:00 pm in the middle school gym. Meditate on the true meaning of the upcoming Christmas season as you gather together with other women and enjoy this uplifting and renewing event. Please fill out the participation survey if you have not already done so to indicate the ways you can serve. Click here for registration to reserve your seat/table.

Lead Academy Pastor – With great joy we can announce that Pastor Caleb Schmiege has accepted our call to serve here in Doral as our Lead Academy Pastor! Please keep him and his wife Elise in your prayers as they make plans for their transition here to Doral. No timelines have been established yet.

Offerings: Last Sunday – $8,293 | Needed – $9,200   

Member note: If you are not currently giving online please let our Treasurer, Ron Hansen know as soon as possible if you intend to return to online giving or sign up for in the future. This will help us know how many boxes of envelopes to order for 2019.

Online Giving – If you haven’t already set up electronic giving via ACH, we now have another way to give online through BluePay whether via credit card or checking. One-time or recurring gifts can be set up. Simply visit our website and then click on “Give” in the upper right hand corner. Thanks for giving regularly to help us as we plan and carry out our mission of changing lives with Jesus!

Heads Up Coming Up:

Bethlehem Revisited – DSC outing to Coral Springs. Sun., Dec. 9th at 6:00 pm More details to come.

Jingle & Mingle – DSC family Christmas Party 6:00 pm Sat., Dec. 15

Christmas for Kids – DSYouth hosts a special Christmas activity for all children 3years – 5th grade as part of our DSKids program. Sat., Dec. 22nd.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

November 25.   Landwehr.  Calil
December 2.     Birkenstock.  Herrera.   Ross
December 9.     Biesterfeld.   Herrera.  Hansen.
December 16.   Befeler. Welch. HELP NEEDED

December 23.   Kaufmann.   Sievert
December 30.   Meihak.    HELP NEEDED

Next All Pro Dad’s Day—November 15th. Register online. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade. Free breakfast in the high school common from 7:00-8:00am.

Sunday Playlist. Gathering song: 10,000 Reasons. Forgiveness song: Once Again. Sermon song: How Great Thou Art. Sending song: Who You Say I Am.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex