He Holds Us Up

Dear Church Family,

Mary was a willing servant of God. She believed the angel’s words and trusted in God to fulfill them. But it wouldn’t just be easy. There was the stigma of being pregnant and unmarried. Along with her highest hopes, there undoubtedly also were some fears. What would her future look like?

And yet, as Mary sings a song of praise to God, her confident hope is that the Lord, who blessed her with this special burden, will give her the strength to carry it. If you’re struggling this Christmas season, Mary’s words also speak to you.

Join me for worship this Sunday at 9:30 am as we see how Mary’s song still speaks truthfully into our lives as we continue our Advent series Christmas Crossroads—At the Intersection of Hope and Fear.

ICYMI – Watch my message last Sunday. Part 2 of Christmas Crossroads.

Christmas Eve in Doral – Bilingual worship services at 5:00and 7:00 pm. Please take some invite cards on the info table this Sunday and share them with neighbors and friends. FYI – We will not be having a service on Christmas Day.

Jingle and Mingle: DSC family Christmas Party Sat., Dec.15th. 5pm. Bring your entire family and your favorite holiday food to share.Bring non-perishable food donations for our food drive. Want to perform some live music with us? Email Kurt Hoppe.  

Christmas For Kids – On Saturday, December 22 from 9:00 am- 12:00 pm, we invite you to bring your children ages 3 years old to 5th grade to experience the sights, sounds and smells as we Journey Back to Bethlehem at this year’s Christmas for Kids. While your children enjoy singing songs,making crafts and learning what life was like when Jesus was born, you as parents can go get your last minute shopping done or even just enjoy a few hours of quiet time before Christmas.  Register here TODAY.  If you have any questions, please contact Dr Erik Landwehror Janette Schultzour DSKids Director.

Be Social This Christmas – Are you on social media? Use it to let your light shine and to share personal invitations for connecting with God and the hope of Christ! Be sure and connect with our church on Facebook and our recently created Instagram page. Try using the Christmas Eve frame that I made for your Facebook profile picture. 

Pastor Caleb Schmiege Welcome –We are planning for the Schmieges to arrive here in Doral after the new year. We would love to give them a warm, Divine Savior family welcome and present them with gift cards at the day of installation. We will have a basket on the table at church to collect these from now – end of December. You can bring gift cards for your favorite local restaurants, grocery stores, fun places to go, or pre-paid VISA/MC cards.

Offerings: Last Sunday – $6,951.53 regular + $4,000 for Building His House | Needed – $9,200

Offering envelopes for members who requested them will be on the info table this Sunday.

Online giving through BluePay is just one click away.   

Worship / Arts Center Update – The architectural portion of the Revit model should be completed during the next 2weeks. After that Somerville Architects will send it to the Structural Consultant and Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Consultant in South Florida to allow them to redesign their respective elements and update their portions of the Revit model. We anticipate they will require 45 days to complete their revisions. Then Somerville will want to review and coordinate all the discipline’s work (clash detection) and resolve any conflicts or gaps within the design. We therefore anticipate it will be early March when Somerville is able to release a Design Development package to Contractors for preliminary pricing. These are the next steps to determining the cost of the W/AC before we can determine how to proceed.

Save Taxes, Give More – Stock,bonds, and mutual funds are great ways to give without incurring capital gains on appreciated assets. Contact our Treasurer, Ron Hansen, about how you can make a year-end gift through our church’s new brokerage account.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

December 16.   Befeler. Welch. HELP NEEDED
December 23.   Kaufmann.   Sievert
December 30.   Meihak.    HELP NEEDED

Sunday Playlist – This Sunday we will sing the Advent hymn “Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord” and new contemporary song Hope for Everyone. Also the hymn “Hark the Glad Sound! The Savior Comes” and the song The Lord is My Salvation.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex