Christmas Blessings

Dear Church Family,

What a wonderful week celebrating Christmas!

350 people worshipped with us during our two, bilingual services on Christmas Eve and discovered there is hope for everyone!

130 kids experienced Christmas For Kids with 30 DSYouth students leading them.

Thank you to all who decorated, set up, cleaned up, sang, read, and shared the gospel. Christ is born. Hope has come!

Join me for worship this Sunday at 9:30 am. Pastor Carl will be preaching a message based on Hebrews chapter 2 and there will be Holy Communion.

And don’t forget…you are all invited to join me for our New Year’s Eve service at 7:00 pm on December 31. I’ll be preaching on Psalm 90:1-4. If you’re around please come and gain an important perspective on your life from God’s Word before your New Year’s party begins.

DSKids — We wanted to say a very special THANK YOU to those of you who brought your child(ren) to be a special part of Christmas for Kids this past Saturday.  We greatly enjoyed our 3 hours of taking a Journey back to Bethlehem of singing, crafts in the Inn, a trip to the Market, out to the fields with the Shepherds and visiting the Manger where we heard of the greatest gift given to us.  We had a blast and we hope your children did too!  We pray you can join us again next year!

A very warm THANK YOU as well goes out to all of our DSYouth that lead and helped out so well and shared the love of Jesus with all those that attended and the countless volunteers who joined our team to construct our stable and transform our church into Bethlehem.  We couldn’t have done it without you. God’s blessings to you all!

Pastor Caleb Schmiege Welcome –We are planning for the Schmieges to arrive here in Doral after the new year. We would love to give them a warm, Divine Savior family welcome and present them with gift cards at the day of installation. We will have a basket on the table at church to collect these from now – end of December. You can bring gift cards for your favorite local restaurants, grocery stores, fun places to go, or pre-paid VISA/MC cards.

DSC Church Picnic – Sunday, Jan. 13 we will have worship services at normal times. Picnic begins at 12:30, with activities for the whole family! Annual Voters meeting will be at 2:30 pm in the church. Watch for more info regarding food & fun from the Fellowship Team!

Offerings: Last Sunday – $ 7,323.00 | Needed – $9,200

Offering Envelopes – 2019 Offering envelopes are on the table in the back of the church on Sunday for those who are not currently giving online. Please pick them up.

Online giving through BluePay is just one click away.   

Save Taxes, Give More – Stock, bonds, and mutual funds are great ways to give without incurring capital gains on appreciated assets. Contact our Treasurer, Ron Hansen, about how you can make a year-end gift through our church’s new brokerage account.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

December 30.   Schultz.  Meihak. Schmitz. 
January 6.      Kuerth. Warnke. Orozco.
January 13.    Pichardo. G Fernandez. Hemling
January 20.    Maasz. Parsons. Mehlberg.
January 27.    Kolomyski. Ribiero. Gerling.

Sunday Playlist – This Sunday we will sing the Christmas songs Joy Has Dawned, “Let All Together Praise Our God” and Joy to the World. During Communion we will sing the traditional Christmas hymns “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” and “O Jesus Christ, Your Manger Is.” Finally we will close with a stanza of “Away in a Manger.”  

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex