Get a Glimpse

Dear Church Family,

Our focus shifts. It’s coming. Lent will be here soon.

But before we see Jesus on his way to the cross, first we see the humble servant of God transformed before our very eyes. As Jesus prepares to go to the cross in deepest humility, we catch a glimpse of his glory as our Divine Savior. The last couple weeks we have listened to Jesus in his own words. This Sunday we will listen to what God the Father has to say about his one and only Son in his own words.

Friends, we all need this glimpse of glory to get us through dark and difficult days that we face too. So please join me at 9:30 am this Sunday as we gather together with Christians around the whole world on what is known as Transfiguration Sunday. I hope to see you there!

ICYMI – watch the conclusion to our series I AM—Jesus in His Own Words from this past Sunday about how only the I AM can truly tell you who you are.

DSKids: Changes coming to DSKids this coming Sunday! We are adjusting the age a bit for our DSKids Sunday morning program and would love to invite all kids 3 years old through 3rd grade to join us! Please look for the DSKids registration table outside the church doors to register your child before the service. We look forward to celebrating Transfiguration Sunday with your kiddos through fun activities, songs and the amazing & powerful Word of God.

DSNursery: We are excited to offer you a Sunday morning Nursery for ages Newborn to 2 years old where your child will be in a safe and loving environment throughout the service. Please see registration table outside of church in order to register your child. Nursery doors will be open at 9:20am for those that would like to drop their child off before the service begins or you are welcome to bring your child to the Nursery at any time during the service. If you plan to keep your little one in church with you and would enjoy a quiet activity for them during the service, please feel free to grab a Nursery bag off the hooks in the back and simply return after the service.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service – Ash Wednesday is March 6th and will be the first Wednesday in the season of Lent. It is a special time for us to come together and reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us to be our Savior. We invite you and your entire family to join us for a special bilingual service beginning at 7:15 pm in the church.

Video Premier This Sunday at exactly 1:00 pm we will premier our new promo video on Facebook for our next series called His Pain, Our Gain. You can help “organically” boost the post by immediately liking it, commenting on it, and/or sharing it. Then when we boost it as a sponsored post to our community later on Sunday evening, it will go much further, faster because it organically has already created engagement—yours! This is one small way you can help maximize the outreach impact of your church and share Jesus with more people. Remember…Sunday at 1:00 pm on Facebook. Ready…set…like and share!

Parenting Teens Resource: We have begun subscribing to a resource produced by CPYU (Center for Parent/Youth Understanding) designed to help parents understand teenagers and their world. Pick up the March booklet on the info table at church this Sunday.

Meditations are brief, 5 minute daily devotions that we provide to help you stay connected to God and his Word. Pick up your free copy on the info table at church this Sunday.

Divine Savior Ministries: In my role as the coordinating pastor of Divine Savior Church, I was again privileged to attend a governing board meeting this week. To stay in the loop with updates, subscribe to the newsletter on the Divine Savior Ministries website.

My DSC – We are now utilizing MyDSC for all of our email communication with you. Please be sure your personal profile is updated with the following: personal photo, name, current email, cell phone number and carrier, birth date, anniversary, & family info. In the coming weeks we will be introducing a new benefit of the system you can access. Contact Becky if you have any questions.

Mommy and Me — Next session is Monday, March 11th from 8:45-10:00 am. For more details or to register, click here.  Questions? Contact Grace.  

Dinner Date Night — Plan a special date with your spouse or fiancé and get to know other couples! Join us at Doral Park Country Club on Friday, March 15th. Registration required. Registration required. For all the details and reservations, click here to register.

All Pro Dad’s Day—Thursday, March 14. Register online. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade. Free breakfast in the high school commons from 7:00-8:00am. Theme: Perseverance.

Weekly Offerings = Received last week: $7,507.47 | Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

March 3. Marshall. Londono. JLeyrer.
March 10. Schmitz. Hoppe. Davisson.
March 17. Bello. Hansen. Sullivan.
March 24. Kirchoff. Calil. Birkenstock.
March 31. Landwehr. Won. Biesterfeld.

Usher Schedule –

March 3.        Marcus Spiegelberg. Jon Ross.
March 10.      Luis Herrera. Logan Schulz.
March 17.      Kurt Hoppe. Ryan Kirchoff.
March 24.      Tim Biesterfeld. Matt Willems.

Sunday Playlist – “The Way” | “Baptized in Water” CW297 | “The Law Commands and Makes Us Know” CW 286 | “Down From the Mount of Glory” CW 97 | “Rock of Ages” CW 389

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex