Get Some Rest

Dear Church Family,

The word “rest” is perhaps not the word you typically associate with Lent. “Repentance” is a Lenten word as we reflect on our sin and guilt that made Jesus’ suffering necessary. “Sorrow” is a Lenten word as we reflect on the physical and especially the spiritual pain that Jesus went through as he was forsaken by God the Father in our place. “Stressful” or perhaps even “exhausting” are words that come to mind if you work or serve in a Christian ministry and you all of a sudden have extra services to plan and prepare for. But “rest”?

Yes! “Rest” is actually the perfect word for Lent because this is what Jesus came to bring us as a result of his completed work. Our new series His Pain, Our Gain is all about the rest that Jesus came to achieve for battle weary, broken down sinners like us all.

So if you feel like you’re living in a pressure packed, never stopping, guilt trip giving, hatred filled world… I invite you to join me this Sunday to get some rest—the kind that only Jesus can give. Every step on the way to the cross this Lent, we will see that the hard work is done for us by Jesus who says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

ICYMI – I can see clearly now the veil is gone! Watch last week’s service and message on our YouTube channel.

Spring Forward – This Saturday evening (March 9th) before you go to bed, remember to spring ahead and set your clocks forward one hour. We want to see you at church on Sunday at the correct time!

Dinner Date Night — Plan a special date with your spouse or fiancé and get to know other couples! Join us at Doral Park Country Club on Friday, March 15th. Registration required. Registration required. For all the details and reservations, click here to register.

DSKids: We invite your children 3 years old thru 3rd grade to join us this Sunday for our DSKids program! Please look for the DSKids registration table outside the church doors to register your child before the service. As being preached on in the sermon, we will share the story of Jesus’ temptations with your children through fun activities, songs and the amazing & powerful Word of God. Consider at dinner time on Sunday evening or before bed, asking your child what they learned about Jesus’ temptation. Talk with them about ways they might be tempted and pray with them that they might too stand bold and strong during those temptations, knowing Christ lives in them.

We are very excited for our 4th & 5th graders of DSKids to take on a special role of lighting the candles before the service and collecting the prayer cards during the offering, as an Acolyte.  Please stop by the registration table outside of church for your child to sign up for a Sunday that works well for your family and would give them an opportunity to serve in this way.

DSNursery: We are excited to offer you a Sunday morning Nursery for ages Newborn to 2 years old where your child will be in a safe and loving environment throughout the service. Please see registration table outside of church or you are welcome to bring your child to the Nursery at any time during the service. Simply share with the ushers and they will gladly walk you there.

Lenten DevotionsClick here to find some great devotional material produced by our sister churches in the WELS South Atlantic District. The devotions are short enough to read with kids, and yet thought-provoking enough to provide depth for adult couples or singles. Essentially – there’s something here for everyone. Check them out!

Wednesday Lent Opportunities – March 13th we will host our first Lenten supper in the high school commons. We want to encourage you and your family to come at 6:00pm and eat together with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Each week a different group will sponsor the supper. It is free and we hope to encourage fellowship among our entire congregation through it. Visit with your friends and meet someone new! At 7:15pm, we will have our worship service in the church. This week it is OUR TURN to host the meal! (People who normally attend our English worship service on Sundays.) There will be a list of needs sent out. Please consider how you can serve to provide what is needed.

Video Promotion Update Last week I asked you to help promote our series promo video on Facebook and you stepped up. Way to go and thank you! Over 5 days our video has reached 6,323 people. It’s been watched just over 2,600 times. And it’s been shared 41 times! I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of all of you for using social media to the glory of God and helping maximize our ability to reach out to our community. If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to watch it on our YouTube channel.

My DSC – We are now utilizing MyDSC for our communication with you. Please be sure your personal profile is updated with the following: personal photo, name, current email, cell phone number and carrier, birth date, anniversary, & family info. Contact Becky if you have any questions. 

Mommy and Me — Next session is Monday, March 11th from 8:45-10:00 am. For more details or to register, click here.  Questions? Contact Grace.  

All Pro Dad’s Day—Thursday, March 14. Register online. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade. Free breakfast in the high school commons from 7:00-8:00am. Theme: Perseverance.

Weekly Offerings = Received last week: $8,910.11| Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk.   
Average over the first nine weeks of 2018: $8,178.99 per week. | Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

March 10. Schmitz. Hoppe. Davisson.
March 17. Bello. Hansen. Sullivan.
March 24. Kirchoff. Calil. Birkenstock.
March 31. Landwehr. Won. Biesterfeld.

Usher Schedule –

March 10.      Luis Herrera. Logan Schulz.
March 17.      Kurt Hoppe. Ryan Kirchoff.
March 24.      Tim Biesterfeld. Matt Willems.
March 31.      Jason Schultz. Logan Schultz.

Personal Invitation – Invite your neighbors, friends, or co-workers to church for the start of our new series this Sunday. Don’t know how to ask them? Copy and paste this text: “I’m not sure what your plans are Sunday, but I’d love for you join our family at Divine Savior Church. It starts at 9:30. We really love going.”

Sunday Playlist – “Lead Me to the Cross” | “Sing My Tongue The Glorious Battle” CW2 396 | “In Adam We Have All Been One” CW 192 | “My Victory

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex