Compassion Beyond Comprehension

Dear Church Family,

Throughout his ministry, from beginning to end, Jesus experienced overwhelming resistance and rejection. Yet he was undeterred in his mission. And in that wound of rejection we see the depth of his compassion—love that would lead him to go even to the cross. So too the harder our hearts become, the more powerfully his heart beats for us. Here is a love beyond comprehension!

Please join me this Sunday as we continue our series His Pain, Our Gain to see just how much compassion Jesus has for people. May he also move our hearts to have compassion for each other and for those whose hearts remain resistant to God!

ICYMI –Watch last week’s message on our YouTube channel. Part 1 of our new series His Pain, Our Gain.

Kindergartners Singing Sunday: This Sunday we have an incredible opportunity to welcome guests to church. The Kindergarten class from Divine Savior Academy is singing. For many of their families this will be their first time attending our church. For some it may be their first time coming to church ever. What a blessing and opportunity we have! As Jesus told his closest followers: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:10).

So here’s what we’re going to do to show these families the love of Jesus. We’re going to bring in an abundance of extra chairs for this Sunday. If you’re able to walk a bit, please consider parking in the lots to the west and north of the high school. This will provide ample parking for our guests as well as any latecomers in the south lot closest to church. After church we will have a special fellowship time that we will set up by the park / playground for everyone. Thanks for helping me to use that time for building relationships with people who aren’t yet connected to our Divine Savior Church family.  

DSKids: We are excited to begin learning our song to sing for Easter Sunday. Children ages 3 years old to 3rd grade will enjoy preparing during Sunday morning DSKids time. Be encouraged to sing the song at home with your children. Consider picking a time each night, whether after dinner or before bed to share that time together.  

All 4th and 5th graders, please join Janette Schultz in the High School Music Room after church on Sunday, while parents enjoy fellowship time. They will begin learning the Easter song as well. Special snacks will be provided.

DSNursery: We are excited to offer you a Sunday morning Nursery for ages Newborn to 2 years old where your child will be in a safe and loving environment throughout the service. Please see registration table outside of church in order to register your child. Nursery doors will be open at 9:20am for those that would like to drop their child off before the service begins or you are welcome to bring your child to the Nursery at any time during the service. Simply share with the ushers and they will walk you there.

Host Family Opportunity – The international program at Divine Savior Academy welcomes students from all over the world each year to attend our school, study, learn English, and hear God’s Word.  One component of this program is housing the students with a loving host family.  Up to this last year, we have worked with agencies that provide a stipend to the host families.  However, we are increasingly getting requests from families that cannot afford to go through an agency and are asking if there would be someone within the church that would be willing to host for less than the normal amount.  If you are interested in housing, either through an agency or without one involved, please email Erika Biesterfeld.  We have a lot of unique requests coming through, including from Christian families in Asia with limited funds, and it would be wonderful if we could find a spot for them here at our DSA family.

Lenten DevotionsClick here to find some great devotional material produced by our sister churches in the WELS South Atlantic District. The devotions are short enough to read with kids, and yet thought-provoking enough to provide depth for adult couples or singles. Essentially – there’s something here for everyone. Check them out!

Wednesday Lent Opportunities – March 20th we invite you and your family to join us for Lent supper in the high school commons at 6pm. This week our theme is Italian Bistro and sponsored by the women’s Cafecito y Crecimiento group, along with the men’s Dichoso group. It is FREE! Come and enjoy some fellowship among our entire congregation. Worship begins at 7:15pm in the church.

Blood Drive  One Blood will be here on Sunday, March 31st after each worship service to collect blood donations. Consider this opportunity to serve the community and perhaps save a life!

Offerings = Average weekly for March: $9,328.36 | Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk.   
Average weekly year-to-date: $ 8,335.75 | Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk
Note: All offerings received over and above our Needed Weekly will go toward our Building His House fund for the future Worship Arts Center.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

March 17. Bello. Hansen. Sullivan.
March 24. Kirchoff. Calil. Birkenstock.
March 31. Landwehr. Won. Biesterfeld.

Usher Schedule –

March 17.      Kurt Hoppe. Ryan Kirchoff.
March 24.      Tim Biesterfeld. Matt Willems.
March 31.      Jason Schultz. Logan Schultz.

Sunday Playlist – “Man of Sorrows” | “His Mercy Is More” | “My Song Is Love Unknown” | “Mighty to Save

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex