God Is In Control

Dear Church Family,

Who was controlling the events of that first Good Friday? The scheming, manipulative Jewish Sanhedrin? Pilate, the man finally pulled the trigger? Who is in charge of this world? Of our lives? From our vantage point, the answer is not always so clear. And that can be frightening. Yet, the story of Jesus’ passion teaches us in no uncertain terms who’s really in control.

Join us for worship this Sunday in Doral in 9:30 am as Pastor Caleb Schmiege talks about this as we continue our series His Pain, Our Gain. I will be preaching this weekend at our church in Delray Beach.

Journey to the Cross – On Sunday afternoon, April 14 from 3-7 pm we invite you to encounter the sights and sounds of Jesus’ journey to the cross. Click here to reserve the “departure time” for your journey. All are invited!

DSNursery: Each Sunday, in our preschool wing, we offer a safe and peaceful Nursery for newborns to 2 years old. It allows parents to be able to soak in the message during the worship service while their little one(s) get to hear about Jesus as well through story and song. We are looking for volunteers to continue this ministry. If this would be of interest to you, please contact Janette Schultz to learn more.

DSKids (3 yrs old – 3rd grade): Enjoy a quick stop at the registration table outside of church this Sunday to find your child’s name and simply initial that they would love to be a part of our DSKids program during the service. They won’t want to miss it! We will have a guest appearance from a Roman soldier to share with us his first-hand account of Jesus before Pilate.

(4th-5th Graders) We have spots available for Acolytes for the remaining Sundays in April.  Encourage your 4th & 5th graders to sign up at our registration table outside of church this Sunday and enjoy the privilege of lighting the candles before worship and collecting the prayer cards. This is a very special way to help your child feel that they are a significant part of our church family.

Wednesday Lent Opportunities – April 10 we invite you and your family to join us for Lent supper in the high school commons at 6 pm. The supper theme is Latin American Feast and sponsored by the families who attend our Spanish service. Come and enjoy some fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ! Worship begins at 7:15 pm in the church.

The DSA PTO is sponsoring a Family & Friends Event this Saturday, April 6 from 11am-5pm. We will have a spot to represent our church to all of the people who attend. There are still volunteer opportunities available! Please see your email for a needs request from Staff Minister Becky. Your family is also welcome to attend for games and fun for the entire family.

Start Planning for Holy Week:

Maundy Thursday – Bilingual service with communion 7:15 pm, Thursday, April 18.

Good Friday – Bilingual service 7:15 pm, Friday, April 19.

Easter – We will celebrate Easter together as one church family in a bilingual service at 10:30 am on Sunday, April 22 in the high school gym, followed by an egg hunt for the kids and brunch for all. Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join you! Watch your email for details this week! Who are you planning to invite?

Blood Drive – Thanks to you, One Blood received 10 points of blood last Sunday. Way to go!

DSC Trip to Israel – Pastor John Boggs from DSC-West Palm Beach is considering leading a tour to Israel in the Fall of 2020. He is gauging the level of interest from our churches in South Florida.The cost might be around $3,750-$4,500. Please email Pastor Boggs to let him know if you are at all interested in going on this trip sometime in the Fall of 2020. Do you have any friends who might be interested also? Let them know too.

Host Family Opportunity: The international program at Divine Savior Academy welcomes students from all over the world each year to attend our school, study, learn English, and hear God’s Word. One component of this program is housing the students with a loving host family.  Up to this last year, we have worked with agencies that provide a stipend to the host families.  However, we are increasingly getting requests from families that cannot afford to go through an agency and are asking if there would be someone within the church that would be willing to host for less than the normal amount. If you are interested in housing, either through an agency or without one involved, please email Erika Biesterfeld. We have a lot of unique requests coming through, including from Christian families in Asia with limited funds, and it would be wonderful if we could find a spot for them here at our DSA family.

Lenten Devotions: Click here to find some great devotional material produced by our sister churches in the WELS South Atlantic District.

Marriage Retreat – Our marriage ministry team, along with your pastors are hosting Simply Marriage, a marriage retreat on Saturday, September 14th & Sunday, September 15th. Click here to make your reservations at a discounted rate. This is open for all married or engaged couples to attend and will have a limit of only 25 couples in English and Spanish

Offerings = Average weekly for March: $8,402.01    |    Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk. 
Average weekly for 1st Quarter: $8,208.52    |    Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk.   
Average weekly year-to-date: $8,294.86    |    Needed Weekly: $8,374 / wk.

WELS Church Extension Fund (CEF) — For a limited time, WELS CEF is offering a four percent interest rate on a minimum investment of $5,000 in either a 56-month-term loan certificate or a 60-month-term IRA certificate. WELS CEF’s investment certificates pay and compound interest quarterly. The four percent interest rate applies only to new money investments. Click here for more info about CEF as a way to help build mission churches while investing.

Refreshment Schedule – Thank you for serving! If you have any questions or would like to help where needed, please contact Pam.

April 7.           Herrera.  Loberger.  Befeler.
April 14           Kaufman.  Sievert.  Meihak
April 21           (Easter Brunch)

April 28.          Pichardo.  Parsons.  Schultz. 

Usher Schedule –

April 7.            Peter Mathwig. Caleb Troge.
April 14.          Phil Kurbis. Cameron Sullivan.
April 21.          Eric Landwehr. Jaxson Landwehr. (Easter)
April 28.          Juan Molina. Dan Unke.

Sunday Playlist – “Come Alive (Dry Bones)” | “How Deep the Father’s Love For Us”  | “What Wondrous Love Is This” CW 120 | “Man of Sorrows

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex