Never Alone

Dear Church Family,

At some point on the journey of life, it’s likely that you will be tempted to feel all alone. And you’re not alone in sometimes feeling alone!

Even though we have so much technology designed to keep us connected, more people than ever experience feelings of isolation. Yet even when you feel all alone, Jesus’ promise that we are “Never Alone” remains: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Join me this Sunday at 9:30 am as we continue our series The Journey—“Never Alone.”

ICYMI – watch my message from last Sunday about how Jesus sustains us even when we feel like we’re running out of steam.

Mother’s Day – Make Mother’s Day special and join us with your entire family! Invite someone you know to come with their family too. We will have our normal English and Spanish service times, followed by a reception and photo booth in the high school commons.

DSA Operation Go Car Wash – High school students participating in the DSA Operation Go summer ministry trips will be hosting a car wash Sunday, May 19, after the worship service. This is to help them secure funds to make their travel possible. Please consider supporting these students in their desire to help in ministry in Alaska and Antigua this summer! Suggested donation is $10 or more per car. Thank you!

DSC Association – Thursday I spent the day at our Delray Beach campus along with church staff members from all five of our Divine Savior Church campuses. As the coordinator pastor for DSC one of the things that I get to do is lead these monthly meetings where we study God’s Word, discuss mission and vision, and plan ministry together. At this meeting we also began the process of pre-planning our worship series outlines for next year around which so much of our collaboration happens. Do you have an idea for a message series? Ideas for future collaboration among our church campuses? Please feel free to share with me anytime.

Youth Confirmation Sunday – Celebrate with us Sunday, May 26 as some of our youth confess their faith in Christ and promise their faithfulness to Him. We will have a bilingual service at 10:30 am in the high school gymnasium.

DSC Annual Voter’s Meeting – Sunday, June 2, 1:30 pm.

Marriage Retreat – Early discounted registration is still available! Invest in the relationship you have with your spouse and rediscover the blessings of marriage. Learn together, laugh together, grow together, pray together, and receive the blessings of the Word of God together. Click here to make your reservations at a discounted rate: Remember, don’t wait! We will soon be opening up registration to people from other our DSC campuses. There is a limit of only 25 couples in English and Spanish.

Camp South 2019 – Registration for Camp South is now open! Camp South is an awesome Bible Camp for youth entering 5th – 8th grades. At Camp, kids get to study God’s Word, develop Christian friendships, and grow in their relationship with God (oh, and there’s tons of crazy awesome activities, too). Camp South is an experience your child will never forget! Camp South is July 22 – 26, 2019 in Covington, Georgia. Spots are limited. Sign up today to reserve your spot! Click here to register a boy. Click here to register a girl. Questions? Email Pastor Caleb Schmiege.

Next All Pro Dad’s Day—May 16. Register online here. It’s for all dads and kids ages K-6th Grade. Final All Pro Dad event of this school year before the summer!

Usher Schedule –

May 12.           Luke Hartzell. Aaron Hartzell.
May 19.           Jorge Calil. Sam Londono.
May 26.           Jon Ross. Marcus Spiegelberg.

Weekly Offerings:  Average weekly for May: $7,941.88 / wk. |  Average weekly year-to-date: $8,348.12/ wk.  | Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly  amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center

Sunday Playlist – “Nothing Ever” | “By Faith” | “The King of Love My Shepherd Is CW 375”| “Jesus, Priceless Treasure”

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex