Confirmation Sunday

Dear Church Family,

How did we ever get around before Google maps? In our Bible lesson for this weekend Jesus promises a guide for the journey. He will send his Holy Spirit who will teach us all things and remind us of everything that Jesus taught. He will be our guide to keep us on track and constantly show us the best way forward in this life until our Savior calls us home to heaven.  

What a great message for all of us to hear but especially our young people who are being confirmed in the faith this Sunday! Please join me at the special time of 10:30 am in the high school gym for this bilingual service. I will be preaching the message live in English and there will be Spanish words on the screen. The songs are all going to be bilingual.

Please note: We will be showing a video from 10:15-10:30 before worship of the confirmation students giving personal testimony of their faith and demonstrating what they have learned this year. You are all welcome and encouraged to come early to watch this video and be able to provide affirmation and support to our young people at this important milestone in their faith journey.

ICYMI – watch Pastor Caleb’s message from last Sunday about how we are never the same after spending time with Jesus.  

Groundbreaking in Santa Rita – It brought me great joy to be able to attend the groundbreaking last weekend for our new Divine Savior campus in Santa Rita Ranch outside Austin, TX. To meet people from the community and to hear the stories of God’s faithfulness was energizing. To realize how the blessings of our ministry here in Doral help make possible the start of new ministries is humbling. I also got to worship with our brothers and sisters in a little storefront out in the Texas hill country and then pray with them about how amazingly different their future is going to be a year from now in a gleaming new facility called Divine Savior Church and Academy. I praise God that I have the privilege of being part of helping advance God’s kingdom plan with Divine Savior Ministries.

DSC Annual Voter’s Meeting – NextSunday, June 2, 1:30 pm. Stay tuned this coming week for a survey via email regarding the options that I presented regarding our English service worship space.

Marriage Retreat – Early discounted registration is still available! Invest in the relationship you have with your spouse and rediscover the blessings of marriage. Learn together, laugh together, grow together, pray together, and receive the blessings of the Word of God together. Click here to make your reservations at a discounted rate: Remember, don’t wait! We will soon be opening up registration to people from other our DSC campuses. There is a limit of only 25 couples in English and Spanish.

DSA Alumni Sunday at DSC – On Sunday, June 9, we will have DSA alumni participating in various ways in both services. Our special guest preacher for English service will be DSA grad, Tommy Welch, who is studying at the seminary to be a pastor. We want to give thanks to God for our combined ministry of the church and the academy and celebrate the blessings of students who have graduated. Join us a church family in welcoming these alumni!

Weekly Offerings:  Average weekly for May: $8,286.49/ wk. | Average weekly year-to-date: $8,359.12 / wk.  | Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly  amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center

Sunday Playlist – Tu palabra (Thy Word is a Lamp) | Santo Espiritu Llena Mi Vida/Give Me Joy In My Heart | Christ Be My Leader / Oh Dios, Sé Mi Visión | Take and Eat / Tómalo, cómelo | Who You Say I Am (Quien dices soy)

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex