The More the Merrier

Dear Church Family,

Every journey has a purpose—whether it’s a vacation destination, a business trip or simply a drive to the grocery store. The journey of life also has a purpose. No matter where it takes us, no matter what we run into along the way, we are witnesses of God’s love for us in Christ. We are inviting others to join the journey and travel with us on the journey to heaven. The more the merrier!

ICYMI – Watch our confirmation service from last Sunday. Click here to watch the testimonial video that we showed before the service where our confirmands had an opportunity to express their faith and what they’ve learned.

English Service SurveyClick here to complete a brief survey about our English service. This is a follow up to the open forum regarding the best place / times to worship.

DSC Annual Voter’s Meeting – Sunday, June 2, 1:30 pm.

Marriage Retreat – Early discounted registration is still available! Invest in the relationship you have with your spouse and rediscover the blessings of marriage! Learn together, laugh together, grow together, pray together, and receive the blessings of the Word of God together! Click here to make your reservations at a discounted rate.

DSA Alumni Sunday at DSC – On Sunday, June 9, we will have DSA alumni participating in various ways in both services. Our special guest preacher for English service will be DSA grad, Tommy Welch, who is studying at the seminary to be a pastor. We want to give thanks to God for our combined ministry of the church and the academy and celebrate the blessings of students who have graduated. Join us a church family in welcoming these alumni!

Pastor Carl and Connie Say Thank YouClick here to read their Thank You and see pics from their cruise to Greece.

Weekly Offerings:  Average weekly for May: $8,286.49 / wk. |  Average weekly year-to-date: $8,359.18 /wk.  | Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly  amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center

Sunday PlaylistHome | Crown Him With Many Crowns | Jerusalem the Golden | To Live Is Christ

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

4. TABOO Week 4 jpg

Letting Jesus Speak Into the Tension

3. TABOO Week 3 jpg

Loving Across the Aisle

Taboo Jan 17

We Belong to God