United – Alumni Sunday

Dear Church Family,

How blessed we are to have a ministry here on this campus where we are united as we work together as a church and school towards the goal of an eternal harvest. How much more when the people we reach together here are then sent out into the world to plant gospel seeds wherever they go!

This Sunday we will have alumni from Divine Savior Academy participating in our service with music, Scripture readings, and even the sermon. Our special guest preacher for our English service will be DSA grad, Tommy Welch, who is studying at our Seminary in Wisconsin to be a pastor. We want to give thanks to God for the united ministry of our church and academy here in Doral, celebrate the blessings of students who have graduated, and help provide a spiritual connection for everyone who learns about Jesus here on our campus.

ICYMI – Watch my message from last Sunday about how Jesus’ ascension does not mean a vacation!

English Service SurveyClick here to complete a brief survey about our English service if you haven’t yet already done so and you regularly attend the English service. Thanks for your input!

DSKids: We are excited to begin our Summer Session this Sunday with our DSKids Sunday morning program. Your children, ages 3 to 3rd grade, are invited to join us for digging into God’s Word in a very fun & new way as we share with them how awesome and true the Scriptures are and always have been. For the Summer Session, your child will continue to go to the classroom they have this past year until the next school year begins.  

Marriage Retreat – Early discounted registration is still available! Invest in the relationship you have with your spouse and rediscover the blessings of marriage! Learn together, laugh together, grow together, pray together, and receive the blessings of the Word of God together! Click here to make your reservations at a discounted rate.

District Conference – All of our called workers from Divine Savior (pastors, teachers, and staff minister) will be attending a conference for professional and spiritual growth in Palm Coast from June 10-13 next week. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and meet together with others in our district who are sharing the joy of Jesus with others. You can still reach us on our cell phones, if needed. 

Weekly Offerings:  Average weekly for June: $6,306.00 / wk. | Average weekly year-to-date: $8,215.77 /wk.  |  Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center.

Father’s Day –  Celebrate Father’s Day with your DSC family on Sunday, June 16th! Join us for our worship service and afterwards, we will have something to make dads feel special! Bring your family and invite your friends!

Sunday PlaylistCornerstone | Holy Spirit | God Loved the World So That He Gave CW 391| This I Believe | My Lighthouse

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation