Grace Wins Through Changed Lives!

Dear Church Family,

Grace has the power to change lives. It not only gives a peace and hope that surpasses all understanding. It creates a powerful desire to say “no” to sin and “yes” to God’s will.

Where you can plug into this kind of power? By remembering what happened in your baptism. That’s the message of Romans chapter 6 which we’ll be studying this Sunday.

There is unbelievable power available to you in your baptism. God’s Holy Spirit resides in you enabling you to put off your old sinful nature and to live the new and holy life that Christ won for you. God help all of us to plug into this power every day!

Please join us for worship this Sunday at 9:30 am as we continue to see how Grace Wins in our lives!

ICYMIWatch my message from last Sunday based on Romans 5:12-21: Jesus Came…That Grace Might Reign!

Communion This Sunday – Since next Sunday is Get To Know Us Sunday we will celebrate Communion this Sunday, August 18instead.

Connect Groups Survey – A Connect Group is a small group of people meeting up, sharing life, and growing in faith together once a week for a season of 8-10 weeks. We will be starting our FALL season soon. Please help me find Hosts and Facilitators by completing this brief survey if you haven’t yet already. A Host is someone with hospitality gifts to help create a welcoming environment. This person (or couple) often volunteers to open up their home to host the group. A Facilitator is someone with relational gifts to help guide group discussion and healthy group interaction.

Marriage Retreat – Last chance! Would love to have you join us. See all the details and register here.

DSKids: Your kiddos will not want to miss the showdown coming to DSKids this Sunday between David and Goliath as we kick off Back to School! We are calling on all 3 year olds through 3rd graders to join us for a fun and interactive drama of this powerful story of God’s great might.  Please take a quick moment to stop by our DSKids table outside the church entrance on Sunday morning to register your child(ren). We can’t wait to see you!

Nursery: Each Sunday, in our preschool wing, we offer a safe and peaceful Nursery for newborns to 2 years old. It allows parents to be able to soak in the message during the worship service while their little one(s) get to hear about Jesus as well through story and song. Please stop by our Nursery table outside the church entrance to register your child.

Get to Know Us Sunday – August 25 at 10:30 am in the high school gym. Who can you personally invite to join us for our special bilingual service, Get to Know Us Sunday? It’s an opportunity for others to get to know us, to welcome our new staff, and for us to get to know our community. We want to fill the gym with guests so we can share the beautiful message of the gospel with them! Please be sure to choose which ways you will serve by responding to the NEEDS REQUEST that was sent via email on August 14.

Saturday Worship – Coming Soon: Every Saturday during the school year at 5:00 pm starting September 7. We hope to consistently have a minimum of 30 people in attendance and see it grow from there. We will conduct this Saturday service on a trial basis through the end of 2019. We will evaluate in December to decide whether we will continue to offer this option in 2020. Pray that God uses this additional worship opportunity to help us see more lives changed with Jesus!

Teen Confirmation Class: Any young person who will be in seventh grade this year and is NOT enrolled in Divine Savior Academy, is invited to take Confirmation Class on Mondays from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm from September 9. The course lasts two years and in the end they receive their first communion and are confirmed. Registration or questions:

Baptism ClassBaptism Sunday is coming this November. Learn what blessings come from baptism and why it is important. Understand what the Bible says about it. Ask questions and find out answers, with no obligation. Come to our Baptism Info Class offered in English and Spanish. The first one is Sunday, Sept 8 at 11:00 am in English, following the worship service or at 12:30 pm in Spanish. Registration for the class will begin soon. The class is free and so is baptism!

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $10,395.51 | Average weekly for July and fiscal year to date: $8,424.13/ wk. |  Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center.

Sunday PlaylistLord, I Need You | His Mercy Is More | Chief of Sinners Though I Be | Jesus Messiah | I Will Boast | Go My Children With My Blessing CW 332 Verse 1

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation