Grace Increased All the More

Dear Church Family,


Lord, have mercy.

A sickening feeling followed by a spontaneous prayer.

That’s how I felt last weekend as I heard about the shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

That’s how I feel this week as the tragic stories of what took place in those communities continue to flood my news feed. It’s how I feel as reporters explore and try to explain the underlying motives of the shooters. There were some dark, ugly, and downright demonic attitudes seething in those men’s hearts.

Our world seems so broken right now. Are there any solutions?

This Sunday in worship we’ll wrestle with the brokenness of this world—that which we all feel—and whether it can in any way be fixed. And in doing so…we will find there is yet hope. God has made a way for grace yet to win over hatred, violence, and death.

Join me this Sunday at 9:30 am as we come together for worship and mutual encouragement. In my message based on Romans 5:12-21 we’ll study the great contrast that the Apostle Paul portrays between what the first man, Adam, did when he sinned…and what the Second Adam, Jesus, did when he stepped in as our substitute. Spoiler alert: Grace wins over sins!

“Where sin increased, grace increased all the more” (Romans 5:20). 

ICYMIWatch Pastor Carlos’ message from last Sunday based on Romans 5:1-8: Grace Wins Every Time.

Breaking News! – To serve our church’s outreach mission and see more lives changed with Jesus we will be starting a weekly Saturday English service at 5:00 pm during the school year beginning Saturday, Sept 7. This weekly Saturday service will take place in the auditorium. We hope to consistently have a minimum of 30 people in attendance and see it grow from there. We will conduct this Saturday service on a trial basis through the end of 2019. We will evaluate in December to decide whether we will continue to offer this option in 2020. A big thank you to everyone who attended our English service open forum, filled out a survey, or shared your feedback regarding different options.

Marriage Retreat – Take time to spend together – without distractions of the normal routine. Laugh together, learn together, grow in God’s Word together. Time is running out to register! See all the details here.

Get to Know Us Sunday – Every year we invite our community and campus family to join us for a special bilingual service in the Fall. We want to provide an opportunity for others to get to know us, for us to welcome our new staff, and for us to get to know them! Mark your calendars! Sunday, Aug 25 at 10:30 am we will meet in the high school gym and our fellowship team will organize a lunch after. This week you will receive more details about how you can serve our church family and community as we welcome others to know Jesus! Please check your e-mail and respond!

Teen Confirmation Class: Any young person who will be in seventh grade this year and is NOT enrolled in Divine Savior Academy, is invited to take Confirmation Class on Mondays from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm from September 9. The course lasts two years and in the end they receive their first communion and are confirmed. Registration or questions:

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $6,204.00  |  Average weekly for July and fiscal year to date: $8,025.86 / wk. |  Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center.

Sunday PlaylistLiving Hope | Nailed to the Cross | In Adam We Have All Been One CW 396 | All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall CW 378 | Good News of God Above CW 568

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation