Grace Wins Every Time

Dear Church Family,

When so many things change in our lives (as they inevitably do), we long for peace. We ache for something certain that we can stand firm upon, even in times of pain and suffering. We find that very thing in Romans chapter 5, an unfailing love that inspires us to rejoice both in the good times and in the not so good times. Through them all we stand in God’s grace.

In fact, what we find is that especially in the tough times, God is right there with us, often doing his very best work in our lives. His motive? Grace. Being confident of this, we are motivated to show grace to others even, and especially, when they don’t deserve it. After all, neither did we.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
Join us this Sunday at 9:30 am as Pastor Carlos, President of Divine Savior Ministries, shares this message as we continue our series Grace Wins.

This Sunday in both our English and Spanish services we will also formally welcome and install our new called workers who are serving as teachers at Divine Savior Academy.  

ICYMIWatch Pastor Steve’s message from last Sunday based on Romans 4: Grace Wins In Real Life.

Livestreaming: If you have family and friends who would like to watch the installation service and worship with us this Sunday (or any Sunday), you can direct them to our YouTube channel for livestreaming. Messages are then eventually archived on our website here to watch anytime.

Marriage Retreat – Take time to spend together – without distractions of the normal routine. Laugh together, learn together, grow in God’s Word together. Time is running out to register! See all the details here.

Installation Sunday – We have been blessed with new called workers to serve our Divine Savior ministry here in Doral. Their installation will this Sunday, Aug. 4. Please give them a warm DSC family welcome! Please introduce yourself to them and pray that their role in our ministry is blessed! We will officially welcome them and the any other new staff to our campus at our upcoming Get to Know Us Sunday.

Get to Know Us Sunday – Every year we invite our community and campus family to join us for a special bilingual service in the Fall. We want to provide an opportunity for others to get to know us, for us to welcome our new staff, and for us to get to know them! Mark your calendars! Sunday, Aug 25 at 10:30 am we will meet in the high school gym and our fellowship team will organize a lunch after. Watch for more details in how you can serve our church family and community as we welcome others to know Jesus!

Weekly Offerings: Average weekly for July and fiscal year to date: $8,481.32 / wk. |  Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center.

Sunday Playlist –  O Church Arise | Rock of Ages CW 389 | By Grace I’m Saved CW | Still My Soul Be Still | For The Cause

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation