Grace Wins in Real Time

Dear Church Family,

Last week we talked about how faith saves. This week we are going to see what saving faith looks like in action. Only we’ll see that the power of faith in Abraham’s life had little to do with him and everything to do with the One in whom Abraham placed his faith.

Come to worship this Sunday at 9:30 am as Pastor Steve continues our series Grace Wins here in Doral by preaching on Romans chapter 4. I’ll be heading up to our Divine Savior campus in Delray Beach to lead worship there so that Pastor Joel Schulz and his family can go on vacation. Meanwhile Pastor Caleb has been helping lead Camp South in Georgia all week long where about 100 kids from all our Divine Savior campuses are attending along with kids from all over the South Atlantic District. What a blessing that we can serve together in all these ways!

ICYMI – Watch my message from last Sunday based on Romans 3:21-31 about how what Jesus accomplished for us all when he went to the cross is an even more giant leap for mankind than what Neil Armstrong accomplished when he walked on the moon!

Marriage Retreat – Take time to spend together – without distractions of the normal routine. Laugh together, learn together, grow in God’s Word together. Time is running out to register! See all the details here.

Things Moving and Shaking This Summer: The summer has been full of down time, family time, vacation time…but also study and planning time. That’s been good. In June I got to take a class taught by Seminary Professor Paul Wendland called Preaching Jesus’ Parables. I served as class exegete and presenter for The Parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12:13-21. Out of this class I’ve put together a sermon series based on parables found in Luke’s gospel that we’ll be preaching on next summer.

In early July we had our annual DSC Staff retreat where for a couple days all the pastors and wives from across our 5 campuses were invited to come together for mutual encouragement, Bible study, fellowship, and worship series planning. Out of this retreat comes another’s year worth of sermon series outlines, texts, supporting lessons, and ideas for collaboration to help each other reach our communities better. I am privileged to serve in the role as Coordinator Pastor so I get to help lead this great team that God has put together across our two states of Florida and Texas.

On the radar is implementing a comprehensive Spiritual Growth Plan that will provide a whole menu of Bible Study and Connect Group options for everyone on our campus—including the DSA faculty and staff, our church members, and the parents of students who attend DSA. This plan has involved many conversations and much prayer and planning. Stay tuned for ways to get connected and growing starting this Fall.

Installation Sunday – We have been blessed with new called workers to serve our Divine Savior ministry here in Doral. Their installation will be Sunday, Aug. 4. Please give them a warm DSC family welcome! Please introduce yourself to them and pray that their role in our ministry is blessed! We will officially welcome them and the any other new staff to our campus at our upcoming Get to Know Us Sunday.

Get to Know Us Sunday – Every year we invite our community and campus family to join us for a special bilingual service in the Fall. We want to provide an opportunity for others to get to know us, for us to welcome our new staff, and for us to get to know them! Mark your calendars! Sunday, Aug. 25 at 10:30 am we will meet in the high school gym and our fellowship team will organize a lunch after. Watch for more details in how you can serve our church family and community as we welcome others to know Jesus!

Weekly Offerings: Average weekly for July: $8,719.76 / wk. | Average weekly year-to-date: $8,212.30/wk.  |  Needed weekly: $8,374 / wk.  |  Note: All offerings given above the needed weekly amount go to the building fund for the Worship Arts Center.

Sunday PlaylistBy Faith | Cornerstone | Grace Has a Thrilling Sound CW 381| Draw Near CW 309 | Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow CW 334

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation