Your Kingdom Come

Dear Church Family,

“Your kingdom come.” God’s kingdom is established when Christ rules in people’s hearts through his Word. And so we pray that God would send us the Holy Spirit to strengthen Christ’s rule in our hearts. And we pray that his ruling activity would spread and increase on this earth so that more people would believe his promises and be so changed by them that they would live their lives to his glory—lives overflowing with joy and compassion, walking humbly, seeking justice, showing mercy, giving generously, and proclaiming salvation.

And so we pray, “Your kingdom come. Dear Father, please strengthen our faith in Christ. Save us from misplaced priorities, cold indifference, devilish lies, and false ideologies. Preserve in saving faith all those we love. Use us and all that we have here in Doral so that your kingdom would advance and Satan’s turf in people’s hearts be reclaimed by the power of the gospel. Bless the preaching and teaching of all of our Divine Savior campuses and across the world through the ministry of our synod.”  

Friends, one can hardly pray, “Your kingdom come” and not long to be at worship with Christian brothers and sisters where God promises to be at work through his Word. So please join me at church either this Saturday evening at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am as God we worship together and God gives us his Spirit to strengthen our faith. All are welcome!

ICYMIWatch Pastor Caleb’s message from last weekend about what it means to pray, “Hallowed by your name.”  

DSYouth – ALL students in the middle or high school level (beginning with grade 6 through 12th grade) are invited TONIGHT! (Friday, September 20) 6:00-8:30 pm. If you have not yet REGISTERED your student to participate, please CLICK HERE . Questions? Contact Dr. Erik Landwehr.

New Starting Point Class – Begins October 1: Learn more about Christ’s love for you. Study the foundational teachings of the Christian faith using the Bible as our sourcebook. It’s the starting point for anyone who would like to learn more about God, find out what the Bible says, or pursue becoming a member of Divine Savior Church. Complementary childcare provided! Click HERE to register. Classes are on Tuesday evening for 9 weeks from 7:00-8:30 pm starting Oct 1. Classes will also be taught the following Sundays after church at 11:00 am so that you can mix and match according to your schedule.

Movie Night – Bring your friends and family Friday, Oct 4 to see the movie, “I Can Only Imagine.” We’ll have a special guest appearance at our event by one of the cast members of the movie! Tickets are $3 each or two for $5. Refreshments will be available for purchase at a modest price. All proceeds will go to support our DSC Scholarship Fund for students who choose to prepare for the public ministry at MLC. Children under 10 will have a special activity with DSKids. Event is sponsored by Dichoso El Hombre, Fellowship Team, & DSKids. Click here to reserve your seats!

Baptism – Discover what blessings come from baptism and why it is important. Understand what the Bible says about it. Ask questions and find out answers, with no obligation at our FREE information class. Click HERE to choose which class you’d like to attend. Our next class is offered October 6 after the worship service. 

A Team on Which to Serve – Have you filled out the form on options to SERVE in our church ministry yet? Click HERE to access. Please do so as soon as possible. What a blessing to have opportunities for all to use their gifts as we worship, connect, and serve our Savior!

A Group in Which to Grow– There are 11 different groups or classes for you to choose from for this Fall season of spiritual growth. Visit this page on our website from which you can scroll down to 1) View List of Classes and Connect Groups and 2) Sign Up for Your Class or Connect Group for this Fall season. Note that there are classes being taught on Sunday mornings after worship from 11:00 am-Noon starting next Sunday, September 15 by Mr. Jason Schultz and Pastor Caleb Davisson. Contact Pastor Ben with any questions.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $11,213.00  | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,315.17 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk. 

Weekend Playlist – Build Your Kingdom Here | Reckless Love | Spread, Oh, Spread the Mighty Word CW 576 | Our Father Who From Heaven Above CW 410 | Jerusalem the Golden CWS 728

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation