God Takes Good Care of Your Details

Dear Church Family,

“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1). There is nothing ultimately of which you or I can say, “That’s mine!” because God who made it all has actually earned and already claimed that right.

And yet he is a kind and generous Father, who freely gives good gifts to us he delights to call his children. It is grace upon grace that he who made us is also the very one who continually preserves our life and provides for all that we need because he cares. He cares about every aspect of our lives right down to the tiniest details of daily living. He is not the distant, dispassionate God of the deists. He is our compassionate Father who cares and stays involved.

That’s why Jesus teaches us in the Lord’s Prayer to ask God for our daily bread. We don’t have to worry about tomorrow. After all, God took care of us yesterday. We know he will take care of us tomorrow no matter what the future holds. Nothing ever takes him by surprise! And so we also pray the fourth petition asking God for contentment… Give us today our daily bread with the trust that he will provide and that we will receive his gifts with gratitude in our hearts.

Please join me at church either this Saturday evening at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we continue our series on the Lord’s Prayer: Best. Prayer. Ever. All are welcome! We especially look forward to welcoming the DSA 4th grade class and their families who come to hear the 4th graders sing during our Sunday morning service this weekend.

Starting Point Class: We started this past week but you can still jump in this Tuesday evening. Click HERE to register. Complementary childcare provided. Classes are on Tuesday evenings for 9 weeks from 7:00-8:30 pm starting Oct 1. Classes will also be taught the following Sundays after church at 11:00 am starting October 13 so that you can mix and match according to your schedule.

Movie Night Tonight – Bring your friends and familytonight, Oct 4 to see the movie, “I Can Only Imagine.” Come at 6:30 pm for a special guest appearance by one of the cast members of the movie! Tickets are $3 each or two for $5. Refreshments will be available for purchase at a modest price. All proceeds will go to support our DSC Scholarship Fund for students who choose to prepare for the public ministry at MLC. Children under 10 will have a special activity with DSKids. Event is sponsored by Dichoso El Hombre, Fellowship Team, & DSKids. Click here to reserve your seats! There are still a few left.

Baptism – Discover what blessings come from baptism and why it is important. Understand what the Bible says about it. Ask questions and find out answers, with no obligation at our FREE information class. Click HERE to choose which class you’d like to attend. Our next class is offered this coming Sunday, October 6 after the worship service. 

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $5,774.00 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,078.24 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk. 

Weekend Playlist – Praise to the Lord the Almighty CW 234 | Jesus Thank You | Let All the People Say Amen (Sung by DSA 4th Graders) | Your Love Is Strong | Now Thank We All Our God CW 610

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation