Forgiven People Forgive

Dear Church Family,

It should take your breath away in wonder. God, the creator of heaven and earth, invites you to have a conversation with him in prayer! He promises to listen. He never gets tired of hearing your voice. He actually delights when you take him up on his invitation daily and often.

But we will never begin to take him up on this invitation often enough if we don’t first recognize what a privilege this is. Do you recognize what a privilege the gift of prayer is?

The Bible is crystal clear on this…that your sins, our sins, have separated us from God. We do not deserve the privilege of talking with God. And yet, God wanted to be our Father. He wanted us to be part of his family. So Jesus, the Son of God, willingly came to pay the debt of our sins. The result of what he did is our forgiveness. God forgives all our sins fully and freely. He keeps no record of our wrongs. He remembers them no more. Does this not take your breath away in wonder?

So Jesus teaches us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.” This petition is as important to us as breathing. Every day we ought to humbly ask God to forgive us for all the ways we have failed him. At the same time we ought to ask for his help in forgiving others. It’s of vital importance that we who have been shown grace, also extend grace to those who sin against us.

Is this hard to do sometimes? Absolutely. That’s why I want to invite you to join me this weekend as we explore the 5th petition of the Best. Prayer. Ever. We’ll talk about God’s forgiveness and ours. I would love to worship with you either this Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. All are welcome!

ICYMI – Please watch and share my message from last weekend about how God knows how to take care of all the details. Who do you know who needs an antidote to worrying?

Starting Point Class: Last chance to jump into this class with a great group of people on Tuesday evenings. Click HERE to register. Complementary childcare provided. Classes are on Tuesday evenings for the next 8 weeks from 7:00-8:30 pm.

Movie Night Recap – What an incredible evening we had last Friday! Over 120 people from both our Spanish and English groups came together to watch “I Can Only Imagine.” Special sound equipment and lighting was brought in for a true theater experience. Concessions were sold for $1 to raise money for our scholarship fund. And after the movie the DSKids came in to sing the song “I Can Only Imagine” which was a moving experience for all who were there. Stay tuned for more movie nights to come as it was such a huge success. After expenses around $600 was raised for our DSC scholarship fund to help students pursuing full time ministry at Martin Luther College. Thank you!

Baptism – Discover what blessings come from baptism and why it is important. Understand what the Bible says about it. Ask questions and find out answers, with no obligation at one of our information classes. Click HERE to choose which class you’d like to attend. Our next class is offered Sunday, November 3 after the worship service. 

DSYouth – Students in the middle or high school level (beginning with grade 6 through 12th grade) are invited tonight, Friday October 11, for DSYouth! 6:00-8:30 pm. Questions? Contact Dr. Erik Landwehr.

All Pro Dad’s Day: Team up with other dads and kids for a free breakfast once a month before school from 7 – 8 am in the high school commons. Our second event of the school year will be held Thursday, October 24. Who is it for? Any dads and their kids ages K-6th grade. We had a great turnout last year and hope even more will join us this year! Find more info and RSVP on our All Pro Dad’s chapter website. Questions? Contact Pastor Ben. 

Student Teachers: We have 4 new student teachers from Martin Luther College who will be here as part of our joint ministry between DSA and DSC for the next few months. Anna Hemmelman – 3rd Grade; Elsie Koutia – 1st Grade; Jade St. Germaine – 5th Grade; and Kaitlyn Solofra – 2nd Grade. All of them are completing their training for public ministry as teachers. Introduce yourself and give them a warm Divine Savior family welcome!   

Email Contact Information: Are you connected to your church family communication? Please save Divine Savior Church as a contact with the following: to avoid any of our messages getting filtered to your SPAM folder. God is blessing our ministry here and we want to continue to better communicate with you! 


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex