Come Find Rest

Dear Church Family,

God designed the church so that no one would ever walk through life alone. He made it so that we would be a family where we can encourage each other, support each other, and find rest. That’s why we should view church not just as a place where we go to praise Jesus and listen to his Word. It is home. It is a safe place where we gather with our spiritual family. It is a small taste of what life will be like when we get to our real home in heaven.

That’s why this weekend we start a new series called Welcome Home. We want everyone to know Jesus and by grace become members of his church through faith. (Have you seen or shared our series video yet?)
This weekend we begin our Welcome Home series with one of the most comforting passages found anywhere in Scripture. To stressed out, anxious, tired people…God says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

True rest. Could you use some of that? Me too! So please join me this weekend as we begin this new series. Come find the rest Jesus came to give. And come find a family of Christians to share it with. With his people God wants you to know that you are never alone. Welcome home!

PS – Don’t forget to “fall back” this weekend. It’s Daylight Savings time!

ICYMI – What do to in the face of so much misfortune and evil in the world? First, go to God. Watch and share Pastor Caleb’s message from last weekend as he wrapped up our series on the Lord’s Prayer. Download and the use the accompanying sermon worksheet for a family or personal devotion to dig deeper and apply the message to your life.

Speaking of Pastor Caleb…I asked him if he’d be willing to write and compose a theme song for our upcoming Welcome Home series…and of course, he did…and it’s terrific! Check out this wonderful musical devotion on our YouTube channel along with his new song.

Survey Feedback – Thanks for your feedback if you took the time to respond regarding the sermon worksheets that we produced every week during our last series. Most of you hope we will continue to produce them. Many of you said you weren’t yet aware of them. Few of you said you were using them for family devotions or personal study. So I think it’s worth my time to keep producing them for a while. I pray that with increased awareness and a little effort, they might begin to benefit more people in our church family.

Baptism – Discover what blessings come from baptism and why it is important. Understand what the Bible says about it. Ask questions and find out answers, with no obligation at one of our information classes. Click HERE to choose which class you’d like to attend. Our next class is offered this coming Sunday, November 3 after the worship service. Baptism Sunday is coming up November 24.

Advent by Candlelight – Take an evening during December to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! Every year DSC has the joy of sharing the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus with hundreds of women at this event. Save the date on your calendar for Mon., Dec. 9 at 7pm. There are lots of VOLUNTEER opportunities as we plan to host it. Please click HERE to choose the way you can serve.

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome in our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy one, give one program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click HERE to participate!

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $5,309.00 | Average weekly fiscal year to date:  $ 8,093.47 wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

My DSC – Members, are you able to login? Have you uploaded a profile picture yet? Updated your family contact info? Please do so, thanks. Let us know if you need help. 

Weekend Playlist – Welcome Home | Reformation Song | My Worth Is Not In What I Own | In Christ Alone | Still My Soul Be Still | Rescuer

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex