Forever With the Lord

Dear Church Family,

A couple weeks ago I gave the students in my 7th grade confirmation class an assignment. After reflecting on a portion of the Bible they had just read, I asked them to complete this sentence: 

The one thing I tend to worry about the most is…

Inevitable death.

Me dying. 

Death in my family.

Losing people I love to death.

These were some of the answers that students wrote down. Sobering, right? 

Indeed death would be completely overwhelming were it not for the fact that, for the believer, Christ has completely transformed death. Death is not the end. Not game over. For those who are part of Christ’s family, death is the beginning of a new and better life free from worry, fear, sin and all its consequences. 

This weekend we will thank God for this tremendous gospel truth—that as Christians we have a forever family! When Christian friends and loved ones die, they are not “lost.” Something is lost when: a) you don’t know where it is, and therefore b) you will not see it again. But we know exactly where our Christian loved ones are. Because of Jesus Christ, we know exactly where we will one day be too together again “with the Lord forever.” It’s no wonder we are told, “Therefore encourage one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). 

So let’s do that this weekend and encourage each other as we worship together! Please join me for worship either this Saturday evening at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am. All are welcome!

ICYMI –Watch my message from this past weekend on how only Jesus provides eternal home security. Download and the use the accompanying Connect Group worksheet for a family or personal devotion to dig deeper and apply the message to your life. 

Communion – We will be having Communion this weekend during our services instead of our usual last Sunday of the month due to the bilingual Baptism Sunday service next weekend.

Baptism Sunday – There will be no Saturday service next weekend on November 23 because on Sunday, November 24 we will all come together as ONE church family to celebrate the new life in Christ of those being baptized as well as give thanks to God for all the blessings we have! Service is at 10:30am and a Thanksgiving meal will follow. It’s a wonderful time to invite a friend to join you for this special day and for you to visit with someone you don’t know in our family of Christ! A NEEDS REQUEST has been sent out. Please take time to view it and choose one or more ways you can serve to make this day a blessing for all! There are opportunities for moving things out of the gym afterwards as well as food! 

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome in our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy one, give one program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click HERE to participate!

Advent by Candlelight – Take an evening during December to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! Every year DSC has the joy of sharing the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus with hundreds of women at this event. Save the date on your calendar for Mon., Dec. 9 at 7pm. There are lots of VOLUNTEER opportunities as we plan to host it. Please click HERE to choose the way you can serve.

Advent by Candlelight REGISTRATION – The REGISTRATION FORM for women IS OPEN! The event will take place on Mon., Dec. 9 at 7pm. Use this evening during December to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! Who can you invite to join you? Click HERE to RSVP.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $10,899.00 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,192.21 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – Welcome Home | Jerusalem My Happy Home CW 215 | The Passion | Blest Be the Tie That Binds CW 494 | Go My Children With My Blessing CW 332

Changing Lives with Jesus, 

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex