Christ Be Our Leader. It’s Baptism Sunday!

Dear Church Family,

Have you ever been let down by someone, maybe even someone you looked up to as a leader? That hurts, doesn’t it?

That’s why this Sunday we’re going to conclude our Welcome Home series by putting our focus on the only one who never fails us. You know who that is? It’s our righteous Savior Jesus Christ! He is the only one who will never fail us and in fact has never failed us. Even moms sometimes say things to their children and then don’t follow through. Dads can make promises that go unfulfilled. It happens in every facet of life that people, human beings, will let us down. Only our Savior, Jesus, won’t. And what good news that is!

Join me this Sunday at 10:30 am in the DSA high school gym as we come together as one church family for a special bilingual service. In addition to being the grand finale for our Welcome Home series it’s also our long-awaited Baptism Sunday! So during this service you will get to celebrate God’s gift of baptism as you witness a number of people receiving new life in Christ. You will be inspired to reclaim what it means that you also have been adopted into God’s forever family through baptism. After the service everyone is invited to stay and enjoy a potluck meal served in the commons.

Note: There is NO Saturday service this weekend. We hope everyone can join us for our special service at 10:30 am on Sunday.

ICYMI –Watch my message from this past weekend on how Jesus makes us part of his forever family. Together we will be with the Lord forever. Download and the use the accompanying Connect Group worksheet for a family or personal devotion to dig deeper and apply the message to your life.

Baptism Sunday – There are still plenty of ways to serve for our celebration this Sunday. A NEEDS REQUEST has been sent out. Please take time to view it and choose one or more ways to help your church family. Note there are opportunities for moving things out of the gym afterwards as well as food!

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome in our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy one, give one program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click HERE to participate!

Advent by Candlelight – Take an evening during December to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! Every year DSC has the joy of sharing the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus with hundreds of women at this event. Save the date on your calendar for Mon., Dec. 9 at 7pm. There are lots of VOLUNTEER opportunities for everyone (men and women) in our church family to help host this event!  Please click HERE to choose the way you can serve.

Advent by Candlelight REGISTRATION – The REGISTRATION FORM for women IS OPEN! The event will take place on Mon., Dec. 9 at 7pm. Use this evening during December to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate! Who can you invite to join you? Click HERE to RSVP.

Birthday for Jesus –  All families with children ages 3 years to 5th grade are invited to Birthday for Jesus on Saturday, Dec. 14th at 9:00 am. Parents can drop off their child(ren) or accompany them for the FUN in the morning. There will be a special presentation by the kids for the parents at 11:30 am!  Our DSKids and DSYouth ministry families are hosting! If you’d like to help, contact Janette Schultz. Come celebrate the best gift of Christmas! FREE! Parents, click HERE to give consent and register your child. Please read the form carefully.

Church Offering Envelopes – To all our members who are not giving online, your 2020 boxes of envelopes will be on a table in the back of church starting next Sunday throughout the month of December. If you wish to switch your giving online simply login to MyDSC and click Give to set up online giving or to view your giving statement.

Save the dates: Friday, Dec 20 6:30 pm Jingle & Mingle en Navidad (DSC Family Christmas Party); Tuesday, Dec 24 5:00 & 7:00 pm English/Spanish Bilingual Christmas Eve Worship Service; Tuesday, Dec 31 7:00 pm New Year’s Eve Worship Service.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $9,241.11| Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,244.66 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – What a Beautiful Name / Hermoso Nombre | The Passion / La Pasion | Christ Be My Leader | Nothing Ever Could Separate Us

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex