Heavenly Ever After

Dear Church Family,

“And they all lived happily ever after.” 

That’s how the clichéd fairy tales always seem to end anyway. A lot of Disney movies. But the reality feels much different for so many who experience otherwise in their real world lives and relationships.

Especially at Christmas, many are burdened with a sense of disappointment that their family is torn apart. Others are dreading that Christmas party where everyone is expected to try and make nice, or at least not say or do anything offensive. The holidays have a way of accentuating how unhappy certain people make us feel. And they can remind us who we’re missing and how much it hurts.

Yet last week we heard Isaiah declare “To us a child a born” (Isaiah 9:6). To us! Just think…the Prince of Peace. What we’ll hear this weekend only adds to our amazement as Isaiah paints a vivid picture for us of what this child can do. He can make peace in your family, starting with your own heart, as unlikely us that might perhaps seem.

Please join me this weekend as we take a break from the hustle of this world to find God’s divine peace in his presence as we worship. Do you know anyone who needs this? Invite them to join us either Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am. 

ICYMI: You can catch most of my message from this past weekend online here. For some reason we weren’t able to capture the audio until after the introduction. My apologies on that if you were disappointed that you weren’t able to worship with us online last Sunday. 

DSKids – We are excited to share that once again the DSKids will be sharing the message of the Savior’s birth through a song they will be singing during the Christmas Eve service. If you are in town for Christmas Eve, we invite your child to join us! This includes ALL DSKIDS, ages 3 to 5th grade. As we take a little time each Sunday morning to learn the song, we encourage you as well to play the song and sing along in your home and in your car together. The song is called, “He Made a Way in a Manger”. This will help your child feel more confident and will allow a special time for your family as well. Click here to watch the song.  

Advent by Candlelight – Thanks to everyone who helped make Advent by Candlelight a wonderful outreach event for the women of our church and community. Over 300 experienced the peace of Christ during this special evening. Everyone in attendance received a devotional book in either English or Spanish along with invitations to our Christmas Eve and weekend services. Click here to view pics on our Facebook page. 

Birthday for Jesus – All families with children ages 3 years through 5th grade are invited to Birthday for Jesus  tomorrow, Saturday, December 14 at 9:00 am. Parents can drop off their child(ren) or accompany them for the fun in the morning. There will be a special presentation by the kids for the parents at 11:30 am!  Our DSKids and DSYouth ministry families are hosting! If you’d like to help, contact Janette Schultz. Come celebrate the best gift of Christmas! free! Parents, click here to give consent and register your child. Please read the form carefully.

Jingle and Mingle en Navidad(DSC Christmas Party) – Join in the fun with your church family on Friday, Dec 20 at 6:30 pm! Live music, karaoke, and games for all ages! Prizes for Best Christmas Outfit and People’s Choice in Food. Please bring a traditional food item (sweet or savory) from your country and printed recipe to share. Don’t forget non-perishable food donations for our annual shelter donation. If you would like to participate through music (play an instrument, sing, etc.) to help provide our live music, please click here

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome into our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy one, give one program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click here to participate! 

Christmas Eve Worship Service –Join us this Christmas Eve and be reminded of the love God has for each of us through Jesus! We’re preparing a beautiful message combined with moving music for our special bilingual services on Tuesday, Dec 24 at 5:00 & 7:00 pm. Take some postcards on the back table after the worship service this weekend to share with friends, family, or neighbors. We’ll also have Christmas cookies and hot cocoa following each service. 

Save the date –Tuesday, Dec 31 at 7:00 pm English/Spanish Bilingual New Year’s Eve Worship Service.

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome in our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy one, give one program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click here to participate!

Church Offering Envelopes – To all our members who are not giving online, your 2020 boxes of envelopes will be on a table in the back of church starting next Sunday throughout the month of December. If you wish to switch your giving online simply login to MyDSC and click Give to set up online giving or to view your giving statement. 

Weekly Offerings –Last week: $9,456.11 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,253.42 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – The People That in Darkness Sat | Comfort Comfort All My People | Behold a Branch Is Growing | Hope For Everyone

Changing Lives with Jesus, 

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex