How Could This Be?

Dear Church Family,

How could this be?

“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him” (John 1:11).

To me this verse from the opening chapter of John’s biography of Jesus is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. 

With all the benefits that the prophet Isaiah foretold the Christ-child would bring, we might think that everyone would have welcomed him. And indeed, at Christmas at least, it might appear that everyone does welcome Jesus.

But the reality is that even for us as believers, there is something about Jesus that makes us uncomfortable. We’re going to explore this as we conclude our series What Child Is This? this weekend. Isaiah warns in advance that the child born on Christmas would be the God whom no one wants.

So please join me this weekend as we study the first couple verses of Isaiah chapter 53. While we will see that Jesus is the God no one wants, we will also rejoice that Jesus is exactly the Savior we need—what our whole world still needs!

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am.

All are welcome.

ICYMI: Watch my message from this past Sunday about how Jesus can make peace in your family. After all, God can make a living shoot come up from a dead stump!

Jingle & Mingle en Navidad: (DSC Christmas Party) – Join in the fun with your church family tonight (Friday, Dec 20) at 6:30 pm! Live music, karaoke, and games for all ages! Prizes for Best Christmas Outfit and People’s Choice in Food. Please bring a traditional food item (sweet or savory) from your country and printed recipe to share. Don’t forget non-perishable food donations for our annual shelter donation. If you would like to participate through music (play an instrument, sing, etc.) to help provide our live music, please click here .

Christmas Eve Worship Service: Join us this Christmas Eve and be reminded of the love God has for each of us through Jesus! We’re preparing a beautiful message combined with moving music for our special bilingual services on Tuesday, Dec 24 at 5:00 & 7:00 pm. Take some postcards on the back table after the worship service this weekend to share with friends, family, or neighbors. Please also see your email for the needs request Becky sent out and consider how you can serve! We are planning to have Christmas cookies and hot cocoa following each service. 

DSKids: We are excited to share that once again the DSKids will be sharing the message of the Savior’s birth through a song they will be singing during the Christmas Eve service. If you are in town for Christmas Eve, we invite your child to join us! This includes all DSKIDS, ages 3 to 5th grade. As we take a little time each Sunday morning to learn the song, we encourage you as well to play the song and sing along in your home and in your car together. The song is called, “He Made a Way in a Manger”. This will help your child feel more confident and will allow a special time for your family as well. Click Here to watch the song. Please let Janette know which service you can attend on Christmas Eve, 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm.

DSC Welcome Mugs – We want visitors to feel welcome into our church family! One of the ways we can do that is by pastor personally greeting each of the 1st time visitors at worship and offering them a gift. You can help! Be part of our Buy One, Give One program! For $7 you will receive your own DSC mug and allow us to give one to a visitor. We hope you enjoy your mug and the opportunity to welcome others! Click here to participate. 

Save the dates: 
Tuesday, Dec 31 at 7:00 pm English/Spanish Bilingual New Year’s Eve Worship Service. 
Sunday, Jan 12 at 12:30 pm Church Picnic and Amazing Race.

Church Offering Envelopes – To all our members who are not giving online, your 2020 boxes of envelopes will be on a table in the back of church starting next Sunday throughout the month of December. If you wish to switch your giving online simply login to MyDSC and click Give to set up online giving or to view your giving statement.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $9,037.37 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,231.91 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – Lift Up Your Heads You Mighty Gates | What Child Is This | Let All Together Praise Our God | Where Shepherds Lately Knelt

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation

7. TABOO Sex Gods Amazing Plan

Discovering God’s Design for Sex