God Is Here to Help

Dear Church Family,

Sometimes it’s sudden. Sometimes it comes as quite a shock. Someone, maybe even someone we love, dies.

It turns out everyone has an appointment with death that they cannot cancel. There is nothing more common to the human experience than death.

We’ve all gone to a funeral or we know the sadness of losing a friend, family member, colleague or acquaintance. At such times, tears are common and expected for us. Sometimes the death of someone we’ve never even met shakes us in our core. We are roused from our daily routine to all of a sudden consider how painfully short life here on earth can be. We are confronted with our own mortality.

The good news? Jesus knows and understands. He himself embraced our vulnerability by becoming fully human himself. He came here to this earth to show divine compassion and to do something once and for all about our common enemy, death!

That’s why, friends, I invite you to join me this weekend for the grand finale of our series The Big Reveal to see what Jesus reveals about himself at the funeral of a boy whose mother had lost everything. Don’t miss this message!

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am

ICYMI:Watch or listen to my message from last weekend about how Jesus can bring you safely to the other side of whatever storm you’re going through right now in life. On our website you can also download the Connect Group worksheet I put together to use with your group, family, or personal devotion.

FYI: At this Sunday’s service we welcome the DSA 2nd Graders who will be singing the song “For the Cause.”

Find a Group So You Can Grow! Our winter season of spiritual growth is starting. About 50 people have already joined a Connect Group or Bible Class. It’s not too late for you to do the same! The following groups in particular have plenty of room yet for YOU:

1) Connect Group at Lucho and Adriana’s house. 2) Connect Group at Matt and Brooke’s house. 3) Connect Group at Jeremy and Grace’s house. 4) Men’s breakfast group Saturdays at Ikea. 5) Pastor Ben’s Bible class on Sunday morning after worship (starts this Sunday).

Here’s a link to a page on our church website from which you can:

1) View the whole List of Connect Groups and Classes (This list includes both English language and Spanish language options); and…

2) Sign Up for a Connect Group or Class for this Winter season.

Please sign up for a Bible Class or Connect Group as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions.

Serve Some SALSA: If you are interested in helping with the SALSA grade school basketball tournament at DSA next week Friday and Saturday please speak with Brian Kasten or Matt Willems. There is a need for doing clock, scorebook, and reffing. Thank you for your consideration!

Interactive One-Day Marriage Workshop: If you missed our marriage retreat in the fall, we invite you to participate in our upcoming interactive marriage workshop, Simply Marriage. It’s an opportunity to learn together, laugh together, grow together, and receive the blessings of God’s Word together with your spouse. There will be informative group sessions and alone time with your spouse, to strengthen your marriage. It will take place on our campus on Sat, Feb 22. Click HERE for more details and to save your spot!

Open Forum: Thank you to everyone who attended the open forum last Sunday and gave feedback on the plan we presented to build a Worship and Ministry Center instead of the W/AC. If you did not attend, you are invited to read the attached document intended to serve as a brief synopsis of the meeting.

WELS Disaster Relief for Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico recently suffered damage from some major earthquakes. Out of love, we would like to combine efforts with our sister churches in our synod across the country to support the people affected in Puerto Rico. Your monetary donations are tax-deductible. We will send our donations directly to our WELS church there and they will distribute the funds to those in need. You can give easily online by CLICKING HERE. Choose GIVE, then DORAL, and Puerto Rico Assistance. There will also be a basket available after worship on the weekends to place cash or a check made out to Divine Savior Church.

Starting Point Class: Is the first step for anyone who would like to learn more about God, find out what the Bible says, or pursue becoming a member of Divine Savior Church. I’m going to begin a new Starting Point class on Tuesday evenings beginning Mar 3. If you’re interested in participating in the upcoming March class, or if you have any questions, please send me a quick email.

Save the Date—Blood Drive:One Blood’s Big Red Bus will again pay us a visit on Sunday, February 16. Go365 participants can earn points for blood donations.

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $9,222.35 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,296.62 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – Death Was Arrested | I’m But a Stranger Here | Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled | Abide with Me

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben

 Attachments: Summary – Congregational Open Forum January 2020


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation