Test Me In This

Dear Church Family,

Surely it is wrong to test God, isn’t it? After all, Jesus himself said, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 7:4).

There is one time, however, in the Bible when God himself actually commands us to test him. It’s true!

“Test me in this…” God says in Malachi 3:10. In what exactly?

In giving. Giving offerings.

Now why would that be? Because in God’s sight, giving is an act of worship. It’s an outward indicator of our soul’s spiritual health.

So for us who value Jesus as our priceless treasure, it’s a way in which we glorify God and give him thanks. It’s a way the mission of his church moves forward to see more lives changed with the same gospel that’s changed ours.

But God doesn’t just challenge us to be generous givers. He puts himself out there for us with an incredible promise. “Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing…” (Malachi 3:10).

Please join me, friends, this weekend as we start a new series called “Test me!” as God wants to open our hearts, open our minds, and open our hands in response to God’s own incredible generosity!

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am

ICYMI:Watch or listen to my message from last weekend about how Jesus reveals to us the very heart of God with his compassion and power on display even over death! Download the Connect Group worksheet I put together to use with your group, family, or personal devotion.

Find a Group So You Can Grow! Our winter season of spiritual growth is starting. About 50 people have already joined a Connect Group or Bible Class. It’s not too late for you to do the same! The following groups in particular have plenty of room yet for YOU:

1) Connect Group at Lucho and Adriana’s house. 2) Connect Group at Matt and Brooke’s house. 3) Connect Group at Jeremy and Grace’s house. 4) Men’s breakfast group Saturdays at Ikea. 5) Pastor Ben’s Bible class on Sunday morning after worship at 11:00 in the Media Center.

Here’s a link to a page on our church website from which you can:

1) View the whole List of Connect Groups and Classes (This list includes both English language and Spanish language options); and…

2) Sign Up for a Connect Group or Class for this Winter season.

Or contact me with any questions.

DSYouth – Roadside cleanup this Sunday, Feb 8. It’s one of our community service projects. All middle school and high school aged students are invited to participate. If you have a DSC t-shirt, please wear it! Meet at church at 1:00 pm.

Register for One-Day Marriage Workshop: Time is running out! Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in this fun, interactive workshop to strengthen your marriage! Join us for Simply Marriage. It’s an opportunity to learn together, laugh together, grow together, and receive the blessings of God’s Word together with your spouse. There will be informative group sessions and alone time with your spouse. It will take place on our campus on Sat, Feb 22. Click HERE for more details and to save your spot!

Touch-A-Truck Service Opportunity on Our Delray Campus—Feb 22. Our friends in Delray are excited for their 2nd annual Touch-A-Truck event! Last year it was a huge success that drew hundreds of people to our Delray campus. Many hands are needed for this event (for volunteers that are 12 and under, we ask that they pair up with an adult). Be there by 8:45 am, grab a cup of coffee and some breakfast treats; we will have a volunteer meeting at 9:00 am. Please wear either a DSA/DSC polo shirt or blue DSA/DSC t-shirt; if you don’t have one, they will provide you with one. Lunch is not provided but they do have a refrigerator and microwave if you want to bring something to eat. Click here to register to serve.

WELS Humanitarian Assistance for Puerto Rico – How can you help? As a church family, we want to support those in Puerto Rico who recently suffered damage from some major earthquakes. Your monetary donations are tax-deductible and will be sent directly to our WELS church there to be distributed to those in need. You can give easily online by CLICKING HERE. Choose GIVE, then DORAL, and Puerto Rico Assistance. There will also be a basket available after worship on the weekends to place cash or a check made out to Divine Savior Church.

Starting Point Class: Is the first step for anyone who would like to learn more about God, find out what the Bible says, or pursue becoming a member of Divine Savior Church. I’m going to begin a new Starting Point class on Tuesday evenings beginning Mar 3. If you’re interested in participating in the upcoming March class, or if you have any questions, please send me a quick email.

February 16—Blood Drive:One Blood’s Big Red Bus will again pay us a visit on Sunday, February 16. Go365 participants can earn points for blood donations.

Offering Envelopes – If you have selected to give your financial offerings to support our ministry at Divine Savior via check or cash, please pick up your offering  envelopes on the table in the back following the worship service.

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $8,791.91 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $7,949.31 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Weekend Playlist – Welcome Home | My Worth Is Not In What I Own | All Depends on Our Possessing | Reckless Love

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation