What God’s Really After

Dear Church Family,

Ever since I was a boy, I have loved airports. Not only are airplanes amazing to watch, but at an airport you can see so many different people from so many different places. Where are they all from? Where are they all going?

Now living here in Doral one of the things I enjoy is watching the airplanes flying overhead getting ready to land at MIA. I’ve observed there are some predictable airplane patterns. Every day late in the afternoon there are large international flights coming in from places like Dublin, London, Stockholm, Istanbul, and Geneva. I often wonder, “Who are the people on that plane? Why are there coming here? What’s going on in their lives? What are their hopes and dreams?”

In our Bible lesson this weekend from Mark chapter 12 we’re going to find that Jesus and his disciples were also doing some people watching at a very busy place where people came from all over. They were observing people’s behavior as they arrived. But then Jesus draws our attention to one particular person, someone easily overlooked, in order to point out the motivation of this person’s heart as an example for us all. As it turns out, one of the things we learn is that God isn’t just watching our behavior. He’s carefully observing the attitudes and motivation of our hearts.

What does he see when he looks at mine and yours? Friends, please join me for worship this weekend as we wrap our Test Me! series and we explore how God isn’t merely interested in our money. What he’s really after is our hearts.

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am

ICYMI: Watch or listen to Pastor Caleb’s terrific message from last weekend—part two of Test Me! Download the accompanying Connect Group study to use with your group, family, or personal devotion.

DSYouth: Friday, Feb 21 at 6:00-8:30 pm all middle and high school students are invited to attend DSYouth. Meet in the high school commons. If you haven’t already filled out the parent consent form and student registration this year, please click here.

DSKids: We invite your DSKiddos (ages 3 years old to 3rd grade) to join us this Sunday for our next Skit & Song Sunday where we will share truths from this current Sermon Series on Stewardship. Your children will learn about using their talents through a skit of the Parable of the Talents and being a cheerful giver in the Widow’s Mite. You are welcome to send an offering along with your child to DSKids to share in the offering box during our time together as well. We’ll add in some time to sing our praises and pray that the Lord would bless your kiddos as they go out and let their little lights shine.

Next Sunday—Open Forum—March 1: English service members and regular attenders are invited to an open forum on Sunday, March 1 following the Sunday service. We’ll enjoy refreshments in the commons after worship and begin the open forum no later than 11:15 am in the commons. This is a follow up to the open forum that was held on January 26. We will present revisions to the proposed plans for building a Worship and Ministry Center based on feedback we received January 26. Please come and give us your feedback!

Starting Point Class: Is the first step for anyone who would like to learn more about God, find out what the Bible says, or pursue becoming a member of Divine Savior Church. I’m going to begin a new Starting Point class on Tuesday evenings beginning Mar 3. If you’re interested in participating in the upcoming March class, or if you have any questions, please send me a quick email.

Worship With Us on Ash Wed: Please join us for a special bilingual worship service at 7:15 pm on Wed, Feb 26, beginning the season of Lent. Our famous Lent suppers will begin in March!

Grow in God’s Word: Which group have you chosen to be part of to grow spiritually? Get to know your church family – It’s not too late to jump in! Check out the choices and choose one. Click HERE.

Thank you for Puerto Rico Support! – Our humanitarian aid campaign to support Puerto Rico totaled $1,336.00 in donations. Thank you for reaching out in love to serve others in a special way!

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $8,565.00 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: 8,477.05  / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our current ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Did You Know? Our church now plans our ministry on a fiscal year basis (July-June). We are doing this to better coordinate our ministry with the rhythm of the academy’s school year. What this means practically is that over the next two months we will be putting together our church’s ministry plan and budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. Your generosity in giving offerings over the next 8 weeks will therefore allow us the opportunity to project the extent that we are able to carry out ministry here, support mission work around the world, and God-willing build a new worship and ministry center facility to better serve our ministry needs. Thank you, therefore, for prayerfully considering how you can give your firstfruits in proportion to how God has blessed you! Your regular giving of thank offerings to the Lord directly impacts our church’s ability to see more lives changed with Jesus as we worship, connect, and serve.

New Meditations – Pick up the new daily devotional book on the info table at church.

Weekend Playlist – For the Cause | Lord, You Love a Cheerful Giver | Jesus Paid It All | Soul, Adorn Yourself With Gladness | Brothers, Sisters, Let Us Gladly

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation