Get Help Getting Unhooked

Dear Church Family,

A lure is anything that tempts someone to do something they might not otherwise do. A lure promises reward as an incentive, but hides the high price it costs to receive that reward. That’s how sin works. It promises the life we think we want, but hides the price we pay to get it.

This new message series is going to expose both the lie and high cost of lures we encounter everyday. “I might get what I’ve always wanted.” “I’ll finally receive the recognition I deserve.” “No one knows. I’ve gotten away with it.” A good lure tempts us to believe what we receive will be free. But there’s always a cost. A price always has to be paid.

Join us to learn what the Bible has to say about the lures that pull us away from Jesus and the price he was willing to pay to get us back. Click here to watch the promo video. Share on social media to invite your friends to join us!

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am

ICYMI:Watch or listen to my message from last weekend – Part 3 of Test Me! Download the accompanying Connect Group study to use with your group, family, or personal devotion.

This Sunday—Open Forum—March 1: English service members and regular attenders are invited to an open forum this Sunday, March 1 following the Sunday service. We’ll enjoy refreshments in the commons after worship and begin the open forum no later than 11:15 am in the commons. This is a follow up to the open forum that was held on January 26 regarding the proposed plans for building a Worship and Ministry Center.

New to Divine Savior? – Join our Starting Point group! Learn more about God, uncover what the Bible says, and discover what it means for you. Find out more about our church family! Childcare provided. Invite a friend! New group begins on Tuesday, March 3. To find out more info or indicate your interest, click HERE.

Join us on Wednesdays – It’s Chili Night this Wednesday, March 4! English service families are hosting the meal from 6:00-7:00 pm in the high school commons. Please check the needs request sent out by Staff Minister Becky. Worship will be in the church from 7:15-8:00 pm. Come and enjoy fellowship with your church family and reflect on what Jesus has done for us! 

Plan a date with your spouse! – Reserve Friday, March 20 for Dinner Date Night, hosted by our Marriage Ministry Team. Have some fun with your spouse and get to know other couples from our Divine Savior family. Together we will enjoy a relaxing dinner at Marfil’s Bistro. Space is limited, so register now! Click HERE to make reservations.

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $8,665.46 | Average weekly fiscal year to date: $8,482.59 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our current ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Did You Know? Because of your generosity we are able to send over $50,000 this year to help train future pastors and teachers (some from our own congregation!), to help start new churches in North America, and to share the gospel through mission work in over 40 countries around the world.

The “Test Me!” Challenge In my message last weekend I challenged all of us to tithe over the next couple weeks through Easter. What if together we took God at his word and could see what our true giving potential is as a church? What could God do through us? Are you in? Click here to watch my message in case you missed it.

New Meditations – Pick up the new daily devotional book on the info table at church.

Weekend Playlist I Am the Bread of Life | My Victory | All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall | Take the World But Give Me Jesus

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation