The Lures Never Change, But Neither Does God’s Love!

Dear Church Family,

Feeling alone? There’s nothing ‘social’ about social distancing—we were made to be in community. In living rooms and at dining tables around the world, people are feeling more alone than ever.

Now maybe that’s not the case for you. Your house is full. Perhaps a little chaotic even. Still this is also a blessing. Claim it as such with thanks to God.

But no matter where you are or how you’re feeling, friends—whether lonely, fearful, frazzled, or some combination of other feelings you can’t quite define…remember that Jesus is with you! He is closer to you than six feet. He cares.

Together as a church family, with our Savior’s help, we will get through this! Our faith may be refined. Our heart’s loves may get realigned. Yet through it we will praise Him!

But it’s also ok to be honest with God if you don’t exactly feel like that at any given moment. He can handle our raw emotions. I had a moment this week when I thought my iPad was recording my Wednesday message but it actually wasn’t. So I had preached my heart out…and then I had to do it all over again. I didn’t think I could at that point I was so frustrated, so emotionally spent. But after a few minutes of calling out to God (which for about 30 seconds was a loud groan that probably sounded like a wounded animal) God supplied me with what I needed to carry on and persevere. He blessed it. He will do the same for you. Through Christ we have that kind of relationship with the God of the universe now. He’s our Rock even when our emotions are raw.

I encourage you all to read the words of Psalm 42 today—the words of a soul poured out to God.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

Finally, friends, once again please join me online this weekend for worship. Even though we might be distancing ourselves physically for a time, God has so blessed us to be able to draw close to Him and to each other spiritually. We are not alone. YOU are not alone.

Worship online is at our normal weekend service times:

Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 9:30 am
Sunday at 11:30 am – Spanish

To Watch Live simply CLICK HERE to visit our DSC-Doral website. Then click the button that says “Watch Live”. You’ll see our online worship platform that will allow you to submit prayer requests, fill out a digital connection card, interact with each other in a live chat, and even give easily online too. CLICK HERE for the Spanish service at 11:30 am Sunday.

This week I will be preaching, continuing our Unhooked series with a message on how The Lures Never Change. And here’s a spoiler alert…neither does God’s love!

Follow our church on Facebook or Instagram also for daily video devotional messages and easy ways to share our online worship opportunities with others. What an opportunity we have in such a time as this to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and meet people where they are at—on their phones, tablets, computers, and tv’s at home…or wherever they are!

ICYMI:Click here to watch the special worship service that I shared from home this past Wednesday based on John chapter 6 continuing our series Jesus The Warrior.

ICYMI:Watch Pastor Carlos’ message from last weekend – Part 4 of Unhooked – The Lure of Self-Reliance

Submit a Prayer Request: At any time you (or anyone in your family) can submit a prayer request. Just click HERE. Or reach out personally to Pastor Ben.

Stay Connected to Your Church Family: We are working hard to stay connected as a church family for worship and encouragement. Here are some resources that we are using to communicate with you:

  • Our WEBSITE has been updated for you with the following:   
    • Live-streamed interactive worship
    • Previously recorded messages on demand
    • DSKids At-Home ideas and family activities
    • Devotion resources 
    • Prayers and passages to comfort and strengthen you.
  • Follow us and interact with our INSTAGRAM page. English: @dscdoral  and/or Spanish: @dscdoralespañol 
  • Follow us and interact with our FACEBOOK page. English: @divinesaviorchurchdoral  and/or Spanish: @divinesaviorchurch
  • Join our DSC Women’s What’s App Englishgroup chat. It’s a place to encourage one another and pray for each other as women.

Adapting Our DSC MInistry: Please continue to pray for our Divine Savior Ministry! Both our church and academy are moving forward quickly and responding with new ways to share the love of Christ with our community and world. Pray for our pastors, our leaders, our school, and all in our family. Pray that God opens hearts to His message. Pray for us to take advantage of the opportunities to share His love in new ways. As you are on social media, please continue to engage with DSC posts, share them and post your own photos of how you are finding spiritual strength through our online resources! We can all help share Jesus with our neighbors in this simple way! Thanks for your patience and for your support! God bless you and your family!

Weekly Offerings: Last weekend: $7,372.00 | Average weekly March: $7,817.61 / wk. | Needed weekly to carry out our current fiscal year ministry plan: $8,374 / wk.

Friends, I am grateful for your faith-filled gifts of love to Jesus during this time! We are going to do our best as a church staff to be wise in our stewardship of your offerings so that we can continue to share the message of the gospel with our community and world that needs it now as much as ever.

I commend you also for continuing to seek first the kingdom of God—trusting in God’s explicit promise in doing so that he will supply what you need in the future. The United States government may provide needed help in bailing out certain businesses or individual citizens, but it won’t be bailing out any churches or Christian ministries. The aftermath of COVID-19 for many churches and ministries will be significant if God’s people withdraw their support at such a time as this. So thank you! for taking this to heart as you prayerfully consider how you can lift up the gospel of Jesus as the one thing truly needful.

I daily thank God for you, your generosity, your love, and your prayers!

Did You Know? Giving online is easy to do. It’s easy to do using the “Give” tab in MyDSC | by clicking on “Give” on our website: | or by clicking “Give” while watching live on our church online platform || If you prefer to give via your regular offering envelopes, you can mail them to Divine Savior Church at 10311 NW 58th St, Doral, FL 33178

Easter Is Still Coming! Isn’t it comforting that Easter can’t be cancelled? What I mean is that Jesus lived, died, and rose again. Nothing could stop that from happening—not Satan, sin, or death! It’s a settled fact that nothing can now ever separate us from God’s love in Jesus! At this point however, as a church staff, we are planning for online only worship to continue for at least a couple weeks, most likely for a time beyond Holy Week. Nothing is settled yet at this point…other than God’s promises to us in Christ which cannot change! We will be sure and keep you up to date via email, the church blog, and social media communications.

Weekend Playlist– O Church Arise | O Dearest Jesus CW 117 | Nothing Could Ever Separate Us

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation