Humility > Celebrity

Dear Church Family,

What’s your Q score? Do you have one? Do you even care? A Q score or Q-rating is a measurement that marketers use to rank the appeal of a celebrity, athlete, brand, company, or product. Think of it as a way to quantify, “How much do people like me?”

Why bring this up? Because it says something about our culture that there even is such a thing, doesn’t it? We are obsessed with celebrities in America. We idolize them. We even hold them up as experts on complicated issues and seek their opinions. Far less do people seek out what a pastor has to say anymore. Our celebrities have fame comparable to ancient kings and queens—people like Nebuchadnezzar.

Now maybe you don’t care about your Q-rating. But if you’re honest, you probably do care what people generally think about you, right? I do. That’s why we’re going to talk this weekend about how humility is a gift that God wants to give us to help us constantly see our need for Him.

Humility in the Sight of God > Celebrity in the Sight of Humans

Please join me this weekend as we continue our series “There’s Another in the Fire” and study through Daniel chapter 4. To watch live simply CLICK HERE either on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am.

Follow our church on Facebook or Instagram also for daily content and easy ways to share our online worship opportunities with others.

ICYMI: Where should we go when the heat of hardship feels like it’s too much to bear? Watch Pastor Caleb’s message from last week here on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our channel to receive more hope, more peace, more Jesus in your life.

Sunday Morning Fellowship: From about 10:30-11:00 am after church I will again open a zoom room for anyone who wants to connect in person. To join, use this link or with the Zoom app join using the meeting ID: 930 9613 2408. The password if you need it is “Jesus.”

Worship and Ministry Center: Great news! At our voters’ meeting last week, our worship and ministry center plans received unanimous support. Thank you! This means we will now be  working with our architect over the next couple months toward getting a complete set of construction documents so that whenever the economy opens up again we will be in a position to move forward with building and, God willing, take advantage of favorable conditions in the market to do so.

Online Connect Group: I am hosting an online connect group for anyone who wants to join me from 8:00-9:00 pm on Tuesday evenings. We’ll discuss the weekly sermon using a short discussion guide and encourage each other. Let me know if you want to participate and I will send you a zoom link.

DSKids: Parents, be sure and utilize the fantastic resources being provided for you and your kids by our DSKids team! Click here to visit the updated page on our website.

Summer Church Plans: I will be putting together a video soon to share with you some thoughts on getting back to “normal” and what that might potentially look like over the summer months. Stay tuned for that.

Communion: If you’ve been missing the Lord’s Supper in your life and would like to receive private communion I would be happy to make arrangements either for me to visit you or for you to come to church at an arranged time during the week for me to serve you. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss how what’s best for you. Note: I am considering setting up a series of opportunities at the end of May for potential groups of 10 or less to arrange a time to come to church for a brief devotion and the Lord’s Supper—following social distancing safety measures and the guidance of state, county, and local officials.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $12,017.00 | Our treasurer reports that we had a very strong week thanks to a significant quarterly contribution and mail-in receipts. What a blessing, God be praised! Thank you for continuing to help us share the gospel with more people and lay the foundation for expanding ministry as we look forward to getting back to normal.

Did You Know? Giving online is easy to do either by clicking the “Give” tab while logged into MyDSC | by clicking on “Give” on our website: | or by clicking “Give” while watching live on our church online platform

Weekend Playlist – The Way | Chief of Sinners Though I Be | I Will Boast

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation