I messed up

In 2009, a local news report about an auto accident involving famous golfer Tiger Woods slowly turned into one of the most famous scandals in recent history, a scandal that destroyed the golfer’s family, personal life and career. As all the sordid details emerged, many people and companies began distancing themselves from Tiger, even though in the past they all wanted to be associated with him. 

Tiger Woods’s admission of multiple illicit affairs with women cost him his wife, his family, and 750 million dollars. He also lost his sponsorships with Gatorade and other companies. Even the shareholders of the companies with Tiger Woods endorsements lost an estimated $5 to $12 billion dollars in the wake of the scandal. Eventually Tiger had to admit “I messed up, and I’, sorry.”

We have all messed up, sometimes in small ways but sometimes in big ways. Sometimes our sinful choices have serious personal consequences that even may endanger our family life or our job, but the worst possible consequence is what our sin does to our relationship with God. 

In Psalm 38 David talks frankly with God about the fact that he has messed up and how much he is suffering for it, but he still trusts that God has the solution.

Please join us either in person or online on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. or Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for the next in our series titled, “Can we talk?” We will meditate on Psalm 38 and see that “Sin has consequences, but God has the solution.” 

Changing lives with Jesus,
Pastor Steve

ICYMI: Watch Pastor Steve’s message from last weekend here on our YouTube channel

Attend worship in-person:  If you are comfortable joining us at church for our worship services, remember each Monday the link to register will be available online on our website  or with the link we email to you. Registration to attend each service is required to help us limit the number of people in attendance and to have an accurate record of who attends each service. As the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Florida continue to rise, we want to remain careful in what we do for the health and safety of all. Thank you for your cooperation in following our Phase 1 Re-open Plan!

Serve by volunteering:  Our church family is blessed to have many of you volunteering behind the scenes to make our ministry happen! Thank you! We still need help. We want to continue to move forward by providing a quality worship experience both in-person worship and online. We have upgraded the online streaming process and now have 2 positions open: 1) an online host for our streamed worship services (Saturday and Sunday – can be done from home or at church); and  2) a camera operator (Saturday service at church). Please contact Staff Minister Becky to fill these needed volunteer positions. There will be brief orientation/training. It is simple and any teen/adult is welcome! 

Amazon Smiles: Thank you for selecting DSC Doral as your nonprofit charitable organization every time you shop on Amazon. We have collected $11 for the first quarter since we began and there is potential for much more benefit! Please continue and help us spread the word! To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. you need to select “Divine Savior Lutheran Church” to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation to our church.  


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation