Samson Trilogy Part One

Dear Church Family,

Over the next three weeks we’ll meet the “judge” portrayed on our series logo—Samson. But in chapter 13 of Judges which we’ll be studying this weekend we aren’t yet going to meet Samson the man. Rather we’ll be introduced first to Samson’s parents and the miraculous circumstances surrounding his conception and birth. There is no judge whose story starts out so promising. Surely one whose birth is announced by a heavenly messenger must be a great savior, right?

I’m looking forward to exploring the story of Samson with you to find out! To attend in person this weekend whether on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am please register with this form ahead of time.
To worship online with others simply click here to visit our livestreaming platform either on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages, worship services on-demand, and other Christ-centered content on our church YouTube channelSubscribe and share with others! To watch DSA chapel services visit our chapel YouTube channel.

DSKids Online: Check out the weekly resources being provided by our DSKids team. We are not at this time providing in-person DSKids ministry during our weekend worship services at church but are getting ready to hopefully do so soon. Stay tuned!

Church Family: Your church family is here to pray for you and care for you in Christian love. In fact, it is so important to us that we have made it one of our core values: “We support each other like a family.” If you are ill, having surgery, facing hardship, etc… please let us know. It is our joy to pray for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health as well as reach out in acts of love and service. We are a family in Christ – several of your brothers and sisters in Christ have also expressed the desire to offer prayers for you and extend help in other ways. Staff Minister Becky helps coordinate this care and compassion for you as part of our family, born out of love for Christ and one another. Sometimes it takes an anonymous form, sometimes it does not. It gives each of us opportunity to be reminded of the caring community we are part of in Jesus – to serve in love and be served when needed. As Paul said in Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” If you would like to be part of our DSC Care & Compassion Team, please reach out directly to Becky

Connect Groups provide a place (whether in-person or online) to connect with others, share life and grow in faith together. Click here to see this Fall’s options and sign-up for a group. There’s still to join a group even if a group has already started. The options to choose from are listed in the attachment to the form when you follow the link to sign-up.

Worship Attendance: Here’s a snapshot of last weekend’s attendance: 102 worshiped in-person (46 on Saturday and 56 on Sunday) | 40 devices watched live via our church online platform (14 on Saturday and 26 on Sunday) | 58 views on-demand via our YouTube channel

Marriage Moments are short, weekly videos highlighting one Biblical marriage thought accompanied by a discussion question. Click here to watch this week’s episode. Produced by our national church body, the WELS.

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $10,010.00 | Needed weekly to meet FY ’20-’21 budget: $9,106.96 | YTD per week: $8,709.11 

Online Giving: Giving online is easy to do either by clicking the “My Giving” tab while logged into MyDSC | by clicking on “Give” on our website: | or by clicking “Give” while watching live on our church online platform | To give to the MLC Campaign simply designate your gift to the “MLC Campaign” fund in the dropdown menu under our campus “Doral”.

Weekend Playlist – You Are My Vision | Oh That the Lord Would Guide My Ways CW 462 | Across the Lands

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation