The One Word Still Worth Our Time

Dear Church Family,


“Too long, didn’t read.”

I have a hunch this is how many of you instinctively react when you see my weekly email. And I get it. We live in a world saturated with content, buried under avalanches of emails, too many words.

But I don’t want you to miss this one! So I’ll cut to the chase. This weekend in worship we’ll hear about the one word still worth our time. I promise it will be!

To join me in person this weekend whether on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am please register with this form ahead of time. To worship online with others simply click here to visit our livestreaming platform either on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am.

DSYouth – Students in 6th grade through 12th grade are invited to join us at church tonight (Friday, Dec 11) from 6:00-8:30 pm. The students will finalize preparations for the Miracle of Jesus event that takes place Saturday, Dec 12. They are leading the stations at this event! Parents, please click here to fill out the form if you have not yet done so for your student. There are 2 parts to the form. The link will take you to a page to give consent. Please fill out your child’s information on the second part. 

DSKids – We invite all children ages 3 to 3rd grade to join us this Sunday for our in-person DSKids Sunday morning program. We will continue on our quest to find fantastic verses of the Bible from Bible heroes to bury deep in our hearts and learn Bible stories that tell us more about these verses. Simply stop by our DSKids table outside the church doors on your way into worship and we’ll get your child checked in and ready to join us. See you Sunday!

Miracle of Jesus Family Event – We invite all families with children ages 3 years to 5th grade to a fun, free Christmas event on Saturday, Dec. 12th called the The Miracle of Jesus! You and your family will be transported back in time to the town of Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus! On your journey you will hear about the truly incredible things this miracle baby has done. Activities will begin at 9:30 am. Come explore Bethlehem with us in this multi-sensory event for the whole family! To see more details about our Covid-safe precautions and to register, click here.

Outdoor Christmas Decorating Contest – Share our church with our community and have lots of fun as you do it! Our Fellowship Team is challenging you to decorate the outside of your home and place one of our DSC yard signs as part of your decor. The top 3 people with the most likes will receive prizes! (First prize = 1 Alcatel 10″ tablet; 2nd and 3rd prizes = $20 restaurant gift certificates) 1. Take a photo and post it on social media (Facebook = @divinesaviorchurchdoral; Instagram = @dscdoral) 2. AND Send us a private message on Facebook or Instagram with your photo.

After Service Refreshments – Are you willing to serve as part of our hospitality team to provide light snacks following the worship service? Please contact Becky. We are assembling a team and need more volunteers. It is an easy way to serve at DSC! You can offer to purchase individually wrapped snacks, bottled water, contribute a $ donation, and/or help set up and take down. Our coordinators can explain any other details. For now we will implement this following the Sunday morning service. If there is a desire and we have enough volunteers, we can also offer it for after the Saturday worship service.

Advent Devotions from Martin Luther College: As one small expression of thanks, our 2020 Advent devotion book The Jesse Tree is our gift to you this Christmas. Please visit our MLC’s seasonal devotions page where you can read the devotions online, order a print version, or sign up to have them sent to you daily during Advent.

Women’s Advent Daily Devotions – Take a few moments each day and stay close to Jesus this Advent season. Click here to get them delivered to your inbox each day. Each devotion is written by your sisters in Christ (WELS Women’s Ministry) and built on Scripture, giving different perspectives of the account of Christ’s birth. Stop for just a moment to receive the peace and strength that only God’s Word can bring.

Marriage Moments are short, weekly videos highlighting one Biblical marriage thought accompanied by a discussion question. Click here to watch this week’s episode – Not Good. Produced by our national church body, the WELS.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages, worship services on-demand, and other Christ-centered content on our church YouTube channelSubscribe and share with others! To watch DSA chapel services visit our chapel YouTube channel.

Worship Attendance – Here’s a snapshot of last weekend’s attendance: 109 worshiped in-person (34 on Saturday and 56 on Sunday) | 35 devices watched live via our church online platform | 67 views on-demand via our YouTube channel

Weekly Offerings: Last week: $8,520.67 | Needed weekly to meet FY ’20-’21 budget: $9,106.96 | YTD per week: $8,654.72

Online Giving: Giving online is easier than ever to do. Simply click this link to go to our secure giving page.

Weekend Playlist – Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel CW 23 | O Lord, How Shall I Meet You CW 19 | Emmanuel | Light of the World

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation