Where Does Courage Come From?

Dear Church Family,

Where does courage come from? Can you get it if you don’t have it?

Join us this weekend at church as we discover how courageous, bold love comes from being with Jesus. Worship in-person or online whether Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am.

This weekend we will also be celebrating the confirmation of our 8th grade students who will be boldly confessing their faith in Jesus and expressing their commitment to joining him in his mission—the mission he’s given to all of us as his followers.

Our young people have decided they want to be confirmed together in the Sunday morning service. Therefore we won’t be having a confirmation ceremony at the Saturday evening service, only at the Sunday morning service.

We will, however, be celebrating the Lord’s Supper at both services (Saturday and Sunday) as we regularly do the last weekend of each month.

Note: On May 16, the CDC updated its guidelines for wearing masks. Therefore, at church we are no longer going to require people to wear masks. We encourage everyone to be informed of the CDC guidelines and to let Christian love inform their decision whether to wear a mask or not. For the time being we will continue to maintain our socially distant seating arrangement of chairs. 

ICYMI: Watch my message from last weekend about how the love of Christ transforms our lives and how we look at other people too.

DSC Annual Meeting – June 6 after worship
All members of DSC-Doral are invited to join us in-person after worship on Sunday, June 6 for our Annual Meeting at 11:00 am in the high school commons. If you cannot attend in-person we encourage you to attend via Zoom. The meeting agenda, Zoom login, and supporting documents will be shared via email to all our members. Examples of things on the agenda will be an update on our Worship and Ministry Center building project, a report on the state of the congregation from our pastor(s), and the presentation of next year’s ministry plan and budget for adoption. Please reach out to church council president, Mr. Luis Herrera if you have any questions.

Hike Big Cypress National Preserve ­– Saturday, May 29. Meet at church at 8:00 am to hike some trails of Florida! Contact Laura Ahlers from the Fellowship Team to let her know you’re coming or if you have any questions! More info is in the DSC app. All are welcome! 

Top Golf – On Tuesday, June 15, Juan Pacheco from our Fellowship Team is inviting you to join in the fun at Top Golf! Please contact Juan to let him know you will be attending or if you have any questions. Meet at Top Golf Doral at 7:00 pm. More info is in the DSC app. All are invited!

Download Our Church App – It’s the central hub for all our church communication. Search Divine Savior Church in your app store or text DIVINE SAVIOR CHURCH APP to 833-868-7387.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages, worship services on-demand, and other Christ-centered content on our church YouTube channel. To watch DSA chapel services visit our chapel YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the new church app. You can make one-time gifts or set up recurring gifts as well.

Weekend Playlist – Who You Say I Am | Christ, Be My Leader | Go, My Children With My Blessing

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation