He’s alive

Dear Church Family,

He’s alive!

This is the message that changed the world. It certainly changed Jesus’ first disciples. It changed them from being a scared group that just wanted to remain self-quarantined in a safe house into courageous witnesses willing to suffer everything, even death, in order to proclaim the message of the gospel. Truthfully, He’s alive! is the message that still has the power to change people’s lives today—including yours!

What is the proof that Jesus truly conquered sin, death, and the power of the devil? It’s the reality of what we confess in The Apostles’ Creed when we say, “The third day he rose from the dead.”

So please join me this weekend for worship to celebrate the joy of Jesus’ resurrection victory whether in-person or online Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am.

ICYMI:Watch Pastor Carlos’ sermon from last weekend on sharing the love of Jesus.

Download Our Church App – It’s the central hub for all our church communication. Search Divine Savior Church in your app store or text DIVINE SAVIOR CHURCH APP to 833-868-7387. If you’re on vacation this summer remember you can use the app to worship with your church family even while away from home!

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages, worship services on-demand, and other Christ-centered content on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the new church app. You can make one-time gifts or set up recurring gifts as well.

Weekend Playlist – Christ Our Hope in Life and Death | His Battle Ended There CW 146 | King of Kings

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation