And the Battle Continues…

Dear Church Family,

What an awesome weekend we had at church for the start of our new series on Welcome Back Weekend! We had our highest attendance since Easter and the most first time visitors (50+) we’ve had in a long time. God be praised! And a huge thank you to all of you who invited someone to church!

One email I received this week about my message really encouraged me regarding how the Holy Spirit is working in our hearts: “From a very personal spot I found the message very relatable to myself and the different things that I have allowed to take over part of my heart…The beautiful message of God wanting our whole heart and his love really put some things into perspective for me.” 

I’m looking forward to continuing our series Battle For Our Hearts this weekend. I hope to see you there or to know you’re worshiping with me online. The big idea coming up is that we live in a world where everyone wants to be “King of the Hill” – on top of the world with success and money, etc. But with all these things that are so attractive, we can easily end up worshiping them as false gods that keep us from the real relationship with Jesus that we need. So together we will look to God’s Word to see how we can defeat these idols from taking over God’s place in our hearts.

Worship Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Bring a friend!

ICYMI:Watch my sermon from last weekend. God is jealous for your whole heart…and that’s a beautiful things.

Weekend Playlist – Lord, I Need You | Son of God, Eternal Savior | Rescuer

DSYouth – TODAY, Friday, September 17, from 6:00-8:30 pm, all students in middle or high school (beginning with grade 6 through 12th grade) are welcome to join us for DSYouth! Enjoy Bible study, fun games and make a few new friends. Meet at church. Parents, if your child has participated in the past, no forms are needed. If you have a child participating for the 1st TIME ever in DSYouth, BOTH forms for parent consent AND student registration is needed. Click here for English.

Faith5 – Are you looking for a better way to connect within your family? Deepen your understanding of each other. Improve the mental and spiritual health of your children and yourselves as parents. Discover FAITH5 and take an opportunity to grow together in faith – as a family! If you haven’t participated in this yet, join our fall session! We invite both parents to attend, along with other parents who will meet together to learn a powerful framework that is simple and easy to implement. This can benefit your family with kids of any age! We think it’s so important that we have implemented it as part of our discipleship path and pray that every family takes the opportunity to experience it! Sessions begin NEXT WEEK (as early as this Sunday). Click here to see date and time options and to register.

Find Joy in Serving! – We are thankful for many of you who serve as volunteers in our Divine Savior Church ministry! It is through YOU that we are able to carry out our ministry here! All of our programs help us connect with people as we carry out our mission to change lives with Jesus!  Click here to see the many opportunities and to explore where you can use your gifts!  We would pray that everyone in our church family chooses at least one and encourage others in your family to do the same! Maybe you’ve never done anything like this. Maybe you love what you’re already doing. Perhaps you want to try something new this year. May God bless you as you consider how you can serve Him and help more people know Jesus and grow our church family! If you have any questions, please contact Staff Minister Becky.

Our Communication Hub  the Divine Savior Church App! – Stay connected to your church family! Don’t miss out on the activities, events, and resources that we provide for you! At your fingertips you can find resources to help you stay connected to God’s Word, grow in faith, worship, and find ways to serve! It’s FREE! Search your Google play store or IPhone app store. Be sure to select the appropriate campus. 

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time gifts or set up recurring gifts as well.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation