Don’t Forfeit God’s Grace

Dear Church Family,

The last couple years have revealed how divided and polarized we are as a people—politically and otherwise. The temptation is set before us then to think in terms of “Us vs Them.”

The devil wants Us to emphasize or even exaggerate the weaknesses of Them while overlooking or ignoring the weaknesses of Us. In the process if he can get Us to view Them with a smug sense of moral superiority then he knows he’s going to win. Here’s why.

Chances are that if we feel contempt for others, we’ve stopped seeing ourselves as sinners in need of God’s grace. Instead we’ve begun to base our relationship with God more on “being right” or “belonging to the right group” or “having the right beliefs” than on God himself and his grace who wants all people to saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

So the idol we’ll be talking about this weekend is the subtle and sneaky idol of self-righteous pride. We will look at God’s Word again to see how it can defeat this dangerous idol from taking God’s place in our hearts.

So join me this weekend as we worship and grow together whether on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Bring a friend!

ICYMI:Watch my sermon from last weekend – part 6 of Battle For Our Hearts – “They Must Be Doing Something Right” about the idols of status and influence.

Weekend Playlist: Across the Lands | God Loved the World So that He Gave CW 391 | Reckless Love

Connect Groups: During the months of October and November we are offering a number of different groups for you to grow in faith, connect with others, and have some fun. Click here to find and choose your group! Dr. Landwehr’s Sunday morning Bible study begins this weekend. So does a group facilitated by Hannah W.

Spanish Club: Have you ever wanted to learn a little bit of Spanish? Or maybe learn a little more or gain confidence with what you already know? Be part of our DSC Spanish Club! You will improve your skills, learn techniques to gain fluency, and discover more about Latin American culture from guests from different countries!  All of this can provide you with tools to better connect with others in our community. All are welcome, regardless of your current Spanish language ability. The next get-together will be Wednesday, Oct 27 4:15-5:15pm. Click here to register. See you there, amigo!  Questions? Contact Luis Herrera.

Serve to Support our Worship Service: Please click here and take a moment to consider where you might be able to use your gifts for the weekend worship services or other areas of our church ministry. Please also encourage your family members to do the same! You will be blessed by the experience and together, we can do more! If you have any questions, please contact Staff Minister Becky.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, discover spiritual resources, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for joyfully responding to God’s grace!

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation