It’s Important to Gather Together

Dear Church Family,

To be a Christian in Thessalonica was not easy. They faced persecution and many trials. But they endured because life was different now. They knew they didn’t face these challenges alone. They had the encouragement of their church family. This made them want to stand firm in the Lord as they looked for ways to gather together, love, and support each other. So too in our world it’s easy to feel isolated and alone, perhaps more now than ever. But when we come together for worship and support each other like family, we know that God is at work strengthening us and causing our love for each other to overflow.

Join us this weekend as we come together for worship to receive the support and encouragement we all need whether on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 am.

Livestreaming Note: Starting this weekend, we are going to livestream the Sunday 9:30 am service instead of the Saturday evening service. My hope is that more people who are worshiping with us online will now be able to worship together with us live. As always then, the recorded service will be available on our YouTube channel for anyone to watch on-demand afterwards. 

ICYMI:Watch my message from last weekend – part two of our core values series about how we take God’s truth seriously.

Congregational Update: This Sunday. Grab a cup of coffee and meet in the HS commons immediately following worship service.

Mommy & Me: Monday, November 15 from 8:45 – 10:00 am. Enjoy a fun morning with your little one at Mommy & Me, where you can connect with others through storytime, music & movement, and play! Children from birth to age 4 and Mommy or caregiver welcome! FREE! If you would like to participate and have not yet registered this year, please click here to register.

Baptism: Are you or someone in your family interested in learning more about baptism? Join Pastor Ben to learn what the Bible teaches about the blessings of baptism at an information class on Monday, November 15. Childcare provided as needed. Click here if interested. Divine Savior Church offers baptism for FREE to anyone of any age!

All Pro Dad: Any dads and their kids who are in Kindergarten through 5th grade can team up with other dads and kids at our school once a month for All Pro Dad! We meet before school from 7:00-8:00 AM in the high school commons for a free breakfast and a character based-curriculum that helps dads start meaningful conversations with their kids. RSVP on our chapter website for our next monthly breakfast on November 18th. Questions? Contact Pastor Ben.

FREE Concert: Join the DSC family of South Florida for an evening of great music by Koiné on Saturday, Nov 20. Learn more about this Christian music group by clicking here. Our DSC association is sponsoring this event and has made it FREE for attendees. It will take place at DSC of Delray Beach, beginning at 7:00pm.

Please register here to let us know how many people you will have in your group. All are welcome! Get ready for an awesome night with your friends and family!

Puerto Rico DSC Mission Trip: Our DSC family, along with WELS Mission Journeys, is offering an opportunity for you to be part of a short mission trip. Our goal is to support the ministry work going on in Puerto Rico and provide you with a personal experience in mission work and outreach. We can take up to 12 volunteers as a team, half of which should be fluent in Spanish. We will be departing Miami on Thursday, January 27 and returning on Monday, January 31. Volunteers will be responsible to cover the cost of a round trip flight and some other minor expenses. Lodging is provided by our sister congregation in Guayama, Puerto Rico. More details will be provided soon. Please let us know of your interest by completing this form. An application form with down payment will be necessary later.

Weekend Playlist: Graves Into Gardens | Oh, How Good It Is (Hymn from the new hymnal) | O Church Arise

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Special Ministries Highlight: Military Services: WELS Military Services exists to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with men and women who serve in the United States Armed Forces and with civilians who live far away from their home congregations. From Support Groups to Mission Projects, from Magazines to Newsletters, from resources on PTSD and TBI to a Military Referral program, WELS Military Services is here to serve. If we can assist you and your congregation in serving Military Personnel and their families in your church and community, please let us know! For questions and more information click here. To refer, click here.

Upcoming Events: Check the Divine Savior Church app! We have so many wonderful opportunities for you and your family and we don’t want you to miss anything! 

  • 3 December Family Movie Night
  • 5 December Blood Drive
  • 11 December Birthday for Jesus
  • 17 December Jingle & Mingle en Navidad
  • 24 December Christmas Eve bilingual worship services
  • 31 December New Year’s Eve bilingual worship service

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for joyfully responding to God’s grace!

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation