Palm Sunday | Holy Week | Here’s What’s Happening at DSC

Dear Church Family,

We are so used to there being corruption in this world. Leaders pull strings for friends, political leaders lie, and many times, narcissistic rulers rule in their own personal best interest instead of doing what is necessary to meet the needs of their people. We long for a ruler to lead us in righteousness. That’s exactly what we get in Jesus. However, Jesus isn’t the powerful king that comes and exerts his will on people for his own self-interest. He’s the humble, servant king who has come to do his Father’s will so that he could rule in righteousness for eternity bringing us with him into heavenly glory!

Join us this weekend as we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday worship whether on Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:30 am continuing our series The Jesus I Need. I will be here this weekend preaching on Philippians 2:5-11.

ICYMIWatch Pastor Davisson’s terrific message from this past weekend on how Jesus Is the Savior I Need: Someone to Defeat Death For Us. Here is a link to this week’s Lent devotion: A Smoldering Wick.

Worship and Ministry Center: In case you missed it, we are excited to share that our congregation overwhelmingly voted in favor of going forward with the construction of our Worship and Ministry Center! This means the Church Council and the Building Committee are working hard to fulfil our congregation’s decision. Please keep this in your prayers and please consider now your own personal plans for how you can help support this effort. Most importantly now our generosity as a congregation in giving needs to rise to the occasion in order to match our enthusiasm for building.

Pastor Ben Has a Call: Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Austin, TX has extended to me a divine call to be their pastor. What does this mean? It does not mean I have been looking for a call somewhere else. It does not mean that my family and I are leaving Doral. However, it does mean that at this time I now have two calls to consider as from the Lord—my call here to serve at Divine Savior in Doral and the additional call I have to serve at Risen Savior in Austin. Where can I best serve the Lord in his kingdom with the gifts he’s given me? I certainly welcome any of you to share whatever feedback or encouragement that you wish with me during this time of deliberation over the upcoming days.

Holy Week worship Opportunities at Divine Savior Church

  • Maundy Thursday (April 14) bilingual worship service, celebrating the Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm
  • Good Friday (April 15) bilingual worship services 5:00 pm or 7:00 pm
  • Easter English worship and celebration Saturday (April 16) 5:00 pm or Sunday (April 17) 9:30 am

Easter Celebration – We will have worship services at all of our regularly scheduled times for Easter weekend. We pray you join us and bring a friend or family member that doesn’t yet know our church! Pick up postcard invitations to share! Following each service we want to provide an opportunity to connect with one another as a church family and to welcome any guests. After the Saturday evening service, there will be light refreshments outside the church and goodie bags for toddlers through grade 5. After the Sunday morning service we will celebrate with an Easter brunch in the high school commons and goodie bags and activities for the kids. Check your email to see how you can serve through the Needs Requests. Be sure to select the needs request that corresponds to Saturday or Sunday. If you have any questions about the food, you can contact Kate Londono.

Download Our Church App – Use it to worship online, watch archived messages, and register for events and classes that are coming up. Search “Divine Savior Church” in your app store. Select “Doral” as your campus.

DSC on YouTube: Watch past messages and worship services on-demand on our church YouTube channel.

Giving: To give simply follow this link to go to our secure giving page, or click Give at the bottom of the church app. You can make one-time special gifts or set up recurring gifts as well. Thank you for keeping in mind that setting up your regular giving via ACH vs credit card saves our church over 2% in additional fees.

Changing Lives with Jesus,

Pastor Ben


Past Updates

3. RANSOM Week 3

The Cost of Love

1. RANSOM Week 1

Ransom – Our Journey to the Cross Begins This Sunday


Lifting the Veil–From Condemnation to Transformation